In Genshin Impact Darkstar is local curiosity of Fontaine, which is required to ascend some heroes. You'll need a fair amount of these amazing shellfish, so in this guide we've decided to show you where you can find and buy them.
What is Darkstar for in Genshin Impact ?
At the moment, it is needed to level up only one character - Nevilleta. However, even to raise just one hero you will need 168 pieces of these sea creatures, so you should prepare for their long-term farming and collect the required amount of materials in advance.

Preparing to collect Darkstar
Featured Characters
You can collect these mollusks with any heroes, but if you plan to seriously engage in their farming (that is, make not a 5-minute outing, but arrange a real Into the Woods for 30-40 minutes), then we recommend taking several characters into your squad who will allow you to significantly reduce time of collection of this curiosity. All of them are listed in the table below.
Characters | Peculiarities |
Increases the sprint speed of all team members underwater by 15%. | |
Reduces stamina costs in water for all team members by 35%. | |
With her elemental skill, you can quickly collect curiosities from afar. This will save you from having to climb trees, climb ledges, and get to other hard-to-reach places. |
Shows all of Fontaine's nearby local curiosities on a mini-map. |
Can cover both large and small distances very quickly in the absence of obstacles using his elemental skill. |
Reduces the active hero's stamina costs while using the glider by 20 percent. The bonus is not cumulative. |
Allows you to quickly overcome small to medium ledges thanks to your elemental skill. | |
Can increase his movement speed by placing Electro Totems (elemental skill). |
Thanks to his elemental skill, he can hover above the ground, allowing you to quickly overcome small bodies of water, holes and crevices. It can also fly high, which will help you get into hard-to-reach locations. |
Reduces the active hero's stamina costs while running fast by 20 percent. The bonus is not cumulative |
Reduces the active hero's stamina costs when climbing rocks and other vertical surfaces by 20 percent. The bonus is not cumulative. Can make additional dashes thanks to his elemental skill. |
Reduces the active hero's stamina costs while swimming by 20 percent. The bonus is not cumulative. |
Their unique sprint animation allows them to move quickly through the water, making it easier to Achievement: Traversal rivers, lakes and other water obstacles. | |
If you hold down the heroine's elemental skill for a long time, she will turn into a wind wheel, which will noticeably increase the speed of her movement. Often it turns out to move even faster than sprinting. |
The movement speed of team members increases by 10% in the dark (from 18:00 to 06:00) thanks to the heroine’s passive skill “Night Walk”. | |
The movement speed of team members increases by 10% during daylight hours (from 06:00 to 18:00) thanks to the heroine’s passive skill “Sunny Path”. | |
Anemo resonance "Impetuous Winds" occurs, which reduces stamina costs by 15% and increases movement speed by 10 percent. |
Don't forget to also bring plenty of dishes for endurance and add them to your NRE so you can use them instantly.
How long does it take for Darkstar to respawn?
As is the case with other types of local wonders, these mollusks, after collection, are restored exactly after 48 hours real time. Therefore, after visiting the best places for farming, just wait a couple of days, and then follow these routes again or ask to go to your friends’ worlds.
Where to find Darkstar in Genshin Impact
The official description states that the Darkstar is a mollusk that shimmers in the water. You can find it in the wild in the Liffey region. It attaches to rocks and walls of buildings located near water, or is located in the depths of reservoirs. We also advise you to keep before your eyes interactive map of Fontaine to better navigate the area.
Darkstar can be found at all levels of the map in the Liffey and Kinetic Energy Institute areas. In total, with a one-time bypass you will dial 79 copies of the material.

Next, we will consider in detail all 10 farming routes that we have prepared for your convenience.
Route 1
- Location: northern coast of the Salos sea plateau.
- Quantity: 6.

We suggest starting to collect darkstar from the beach east of the first Archon statue in the northern half of the Hydro region. Move to the starting point, and then run along the destroyed bridge, from which you will need to jump down to the shore.
The first three blue starfish lie close to each other towards the base of the bridge.
Go further forward and collect one curiosity in a wooden bucket, and the other not far from a group of opponents.

The last darkstar lies a little further from the enemy spawn site, on a piece of rock near the water.
Route 2
- Location: ruins of the Central Laboratory.
- Quantity: 5.

Next, we move to the teleport in the Institute of Kinetic Energy zone, as indicated in the screenshot above. You can also choose the most extreme point of movement in the east of the map - both options are suitable for starting.

One specimen lies in the bushes near the shore on the southern side of the strait.
Then we move across the water to the opposite side: 4 dusky stars lie on the sandy beach not far from each other.
Route 3
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute (south).
- Quantity: 6.

Another farming path along the coast begins south of the new Fontaine Research Institute: move to the starting marker and fly across the body of water to the nearest shore.
At the marked collection point in front of the water, you can collect 2 darkstars, and then move east to the place under another destroyed bridge: here are 3 more curiosities.

Go around the stone structure and head along the shore towards the nearest teleport: on the sand not far from Fatui Operative, collect another trophy.
Route 4
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute (west).
- Quantity: 14.

Continue along the bank where you finished the previous 3rd route.
One trophy lies on the sand parallel to the teleport, and three more lie in a straight line north to the trees near the water.
Going further forward, you will find a strange starfish near a log. Having taken it, go further, skirting the nearest mountain along the shore, and collect two more trophies.
Next, go to the island with the elemental monuments: we noted above where in this area you can collect 2 more darkstars.
Approach the stones parallel to the nearest teleport and loot one curiosity, and then another one on the shore before the anchorage.
All that remains is to go around the place where the wavewalker is summoned: collect one trophy, and then run to the pipes in the northwestern half of the coast and loot the last two darkstars.
Route 5
- Location: Eastern slope of Mon Esus.
- Quantity: 9.

The final overland route begins under a waterfall on the eastern slope of Mont Esus in the northwest of the region. Move to the Hydro Archon statue and move towards the indicated area.
Be careful: the area is patrolled by strong Fatui enemies.
Start collecting under the waterfall on the north side, and then go up the beach, picking up the second darkstar along the route.
Then run to a small plot of land in front of the Fatui parking lot and pick up two trophies there, lying not far from each other.
Pass through the enemy camp and move to the next curiosity on the shore near the plumes, and then a little further forward: three specimens are located almost on the edge of the beach, before the last post of the Fatouists.
Route 6 and 7
- Location: central underwater area (The Fortress of Meropide).
- Quantity: 21.
- 1[область вокруг телепорта]

They decided to divide the next two routes on the map as follows: the first in the center of the underwater zone between the Liffey area and the Institute of Kinetic Energy, and the second in front of the Meropid fortress. Let's look at them in the order marked on the map.
Teleport to the starting point and first swim south to the base of the steel structure. Having collected two darkstars from below, go to the top and pick up another one in the pipe.
Go down to the kelp sphere enclosing the chest and look for another trophy in the grass below the pipe. Afterwards, swim southeast to similar iron units: two copies on pipes are ready for collection.
Return to the teleport and move along the eastern side: one darkstar lies on the edge of a low pipe, the second is near the stingray mecs guarding the chest.
Now swim towards the Meropid fortress: southeast of the underwater prison there is a vertical tunnel, near which you can collect one trophy. From there, swim east to the stone wall with a pipe: there are a couple more darkstars on it.
Climb up: the darkstar is stuck to the pipe near the place with the puzzle and the precious chest. There are a couple of pieces even higher than this building condensing crystals and one curiosity.

The last two trophies lie at the bottom in an underwater gorge south of the previous collection point.
- 2[крепость Меропид]
Be careful: the prison is inspected by spotlights, and if you linger under them, you will be teleported to Meropid. You can solve this inconvenience by swimming up to the lights and turning them off.

Swim to the base of the fortress from the eastern side: one darkstar lies near the column.
Next, explore the façade of the fortress: several specimens of the wonder lie on the ledges and pipes.

Swim to the back of the building: another trophy is stuck to the gear.

And the last star in the search area lies in one of the pipes in front of the underwater colony.
Route 8
- Location: The Fortress of Meropide (northeast).
- Quantity: 4.

The eighth collection route is located near the teleport northeast of the Meropid prison building.

From the teleportation point, swim to the parts of the iron structure: one darkstar lies on the steel ring, and the second higher on the pipe.

Then swim up towards the beach with route 4: two wonders lie on the rocks not far from a flock of small seahorses.
Route 9 and 10.
- Location: residence of the Seahorse of the Thousand-Year Pearl (east).
- Quantity: 13.
The last two routes take place in the underground area beneath the new Fontaine Research Institute. But first, let’s look at the path by which you can get to the location.
North of the Meropid fortress there is a passage into an underwater corridor, which will eventually lead you to an arena with a new Boss Seahorse.

There is no need to engage in battle, just go around the central part on either side.
Behind the arena there will be a small pond, into which you need to dive in order to continue moving and get to the place where the darkstar begins to collect.

Before going ashore, don’t miss two wonders on the bottom near the steel gears - this is the beginning 9th route.
Having come to land, explore the underground cave: one trophy is located near the teleport, and the second two are in the eastern half of the dungeon on the pipes to the left of the rise.
Move up into the round passage and pick up two stars in the tunnel in front of the water.

Dive under the water and swim until the turn with a bunch of enemies near which there is a sphere usii : Behind it you will find a darkstar.

To study the latter 10th route, go back and go up to the right to the passage - there will be another waterway.

Immediately after the dive you can see two trophies.
Swim to the round iron hatch, picking up another curiosity. Then hit the Elemental Reaction: Crystallize to the right of the passage, changing its color to blue, to open the path further.
Inside, another closed door and several Mek enemies await you: get rid of the enemies, turn towards the crystal that you switched before and, without leaving the opened area, aim at it so that the mechanism turns blue again. The action will open the next passage, closing the previous one, and you will be able to swim into the area with the last two wonders, as well as hydroculum.
Where to buy Darkstar
Unfortunately, at this point in time purchase No one can have this local curiosity. However, you can get some during test runs and hero birthdays. Plus, several darkstars are given out for some quests in the world of Fontaine. Of course, these methods cannot be compared in effectiveness to farming, so there is no escape from it.
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