In Genshin Impact Hydrocules are unique spirit particles that can be found on the map in Fontaine. They are required to level up the Hydro Archon Statues found in this watery region in order to receive a variety of rewards, including Source Stones and Hydro Seals.
All you can find 271 Hydroculus, however, in patch 4.0, only a part of Fontaine will be available, so at first you can only get 85 Hydro particles - this amount is enough to pump 4 levels of archon statues. We add that one oculus, as usual, will remain with you as a souvenir.
Note: If you are having difficulty finding these water particles, we advise you to use hydroculus echo stone.
Where to find hydrocules
The interactive map above shows the location of the 85 hydrocules available today. You can zoom in for easier searching, and save the particles you've already collected (the history is saved in cookies). Click on the button "How to get a"
to see a screenshot and a detailed description of finding orbs. We strongly advise you to take up the search for these items after completing all the story and Fontaine's side quests, as many areas will otherwise be closed to you.
Hydroculus 1
- Location: Port Romaritime Flower
Move to the Hydro Archon statue located in the indicated area, and then turn around, run to the fence and jump down. Fly towards one of the ships on the water. At its top you will find the particle you need.

Hydroculus 2
- Location: Port Romaritime Flower
Teleport again to the previous Hydro Archon statue, and then just move forward and you will see a particle above the water. Call the aquabus to get on the transport and collect the oculus.
Hydroculus 3
- Location: Port Romaritime Flower
Move to the Denouement of Sin dungeon, located northeast of the port. Then start climbing the mountain. On top of it, you will find a particle - just jump up to grab it.
Hydroculus 4
- Location: Beryl District
Travel to the southernmost teleport of the specified area, and then fly to the east coast. Here, on a small hill, find an easel, over which the particle you need will hang.
Hydroculus 5
- Location: Beryl District
Hanging above the ship located to the east of the place where you found the 4th Hydroculus. We advise you to climb onto the stone pillar, and then just glide from it to get the particle.
Hydroculus 6
- Location: Bello area
From the previous hydrocule, swim northeast to a small island. The next sphere will hang over a large rock. Be careful, as there may be an outcast Hilichurl nearby.
Hydroculus 7
- Location: Bello area
He is under water, on the way to the boss Emperor of Fire and Iron. Go to the southern part of the indicated area. Go to the beach and then dive into the water. In the place shown in the screenshots below, find the entrance to the underwater tunnel and start diving down. There you will find the particle.
Hydroculus 8
- Location: Bello area
Move to the previous teleporter and then start running north towards the cliff. Climb on it, and at the top you will find the particle you need.
Hydroculus 9
- Location: Bello area
From the previous hydrocool, drop down and glide over to the house to the east. Here you will find a water ring - use it to turn into a jellyfish and fly right through the Hydro Sphere.
Hydroculus 10
- Location: Western slope of Mount Atoneki
In Port Romaritime Flower , call the aquabus, and then get on it and move forward until you reach a tunnel that goes through the mountain. Inside it you will find the indicated particle.
Hydroculus 11
- Location: Western slope of Mount Atoneki
Move to the teleporter in the indicated area, and then turn around and run towards the rock. Start climbing it until you reach the top. Here you will find a windmill - attack it with Anemo to create an air current. Jump into it to fly up and pick up the oculus.

Hydroculus 12
Location: Poisson village
Run to the entrance to the settlement, and then climb onto the wreckage. At the end of the beam, you will find the particle you need.
Hydroculus 13
Location: Poisson village
Go to the settlement, located underground, and then move forward until you reach the suspension bridge laid over the reservoir. Jump down and dive into the water. You will almost immediately see the Hydroculus in front of you.

Hydroculus 14
- Location: Bello area
Found on top of a tower located in the northern part of the specified area. There are two ways to get there. First: Collect the Pneumonia Energy Blocks and hit the two Pneumonia Transmitters to balance them. Then enter the water ring that appears and you will be taken to the top of the spire.

Second: after collecting the 11th hydroculus, use the air current again, and then fly to the tower. Before that, you can eat endurance meals.
Hydroculus 15
- Location: Poisson village
Climb aboard the rusty ship on the far side of the settlement, and then climb onto its outbuilding on the right side. There you will find the Hydro particle you need.
Hydroculus 16
- Location: Bello area
Hangs above the chimney of a small house located in the northern part of the specified area. Just climb the building and grab the oculus.
Hydroculus 17
- Location: Elton Trench
Move to the central teleport of the specified area, and then swim to the northeast. You will find a Hydro Orb next to a red coral growing on top of a green calyx.
Hydroculus 18
- Location: Elton Trench
Move to the central teleport of the specified area, and then swim to the southeast. You will find a Hydro Sphere inside a giant underwater plant cup.
Hydroculus 19
- Location: Elton Trench
Move to the central teleport of the specified area, and then swim north, looking at the seabed. Soon you will see a boulder with blue cracks. Fire a normal attack at the barrel to shatter the rock and release the Hydro Orb.

Hydroculus 20
- Location: Elton Trench
From the previous hydroculus, swim northwest to the giant monster's skull. Near the surface of the water, you will find the particle you need.
Hydroculus 21
- Location: Chemin de Lespore
Move to the southernmost teleport of the indicated area and swim south. On the ledge, you will find a bullet gun that will start launching projectiles at you. Hit a xenochrome armored crab floating nearby with a normal attack to take its ability (heavy Noelle: Protector). Then hold the E key and absorb the charge launched at you. Release the button to fire a projectile back at the Bulletlusk. You will destroy it and you will be able to take the Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 22
- Location: Elinas
Move to the teleport in the center of the specified area, then turn around and glide north to the coast. There you will find a giant bone. Land on it, and then run forward along it, and at its end you will find a particle.
Hydroculus 23
- Location: Elinas
Move to the teleport in the center of the specified area, and then turn around and glide in a northerly direction. There you will find a high cliff (one of the edges of the monster), on top of which is the Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 24
- Location: Elinas
Move to the northeast teleporter of the indicated area, and then run south and climb onto the rock, on top of which you will find a particle.
Hydroculus 25
- Location: Elton Trench
Move to the southern teleport of the specified area, and then swim northwest until you reach the temple with a red barrier. You will need to solve a small pneumonia transmitter puzzle to get through the force field. Inside the shrine, you will find a Hydro Particle. We talked in detail about solving the riddle in separate guide.
Hydroculus 26
- Location: Elton Trench
From the south teleport of the indicated area, swim to the northeast, and then start diving into the hollow, and soon you will see a Hydro particle.
Hydroculus 27
- Location: Elton Trench
It is located under water, right above the teleportation statue, so there will definitely not be any problems getting it.
Hydroculus 28
- Location: Elton Trench
Move to the southern teleport of the specified area, and then swim south and swim into the tunnel below. LMB the xenochrome armored crab to take away its ability (heavy Noelle: Protector), and then look at the walls of the tunnel, and you will find a ledge with blue cracks there. Hold and hold the E key, aim at this stone and release the button. You will destroy the cobblestone and you will be able to take the hydrokud.
Hydroculus 29
- Location: Beryl District
Move to the teleport near the hot spring, and then move east to the coast. Here you will find a ship. Climb onto it and jump to the Hydro Particle hanging above the archway.
Hydroculus 30
- Location: Elinas
Move to the teleport in the center of the indicated area, then turn around and glide down the slope. At the end of the cliff, you will find the Hydro Orb you need.
Hydroculus 31
- Location: Elinas
Move to the teleporter in the center of the indicated area and deal with the hilichurl outcast. After that, a water ring will appear - enter it to soar into the air and get on the airship. Take the Pneuma power unit (white sphere) and hit the steering wheel. As a result, the airship will rise up, and you will be able to reach the particle along the Hydro platforms.
Hydroculus 32
- Location: Elinas
Travel to the statue of the Hydro Archon, and then move north and dive into the pool. Take the ability of the xenochrome armored crab, and then use it to destroy the boulder with blue cracks, behind which you will find a Hydro particle.
Hydroculus 33
- Location: Elinas
Move to the teleport in the center of the specified area, and then simply glide to the southwest, on top of another mountain. There you will find the particle you need.
Hydroculus 34
- Location: deserted place
First get to Merusi villages, and then head north to the next open area. If you have already completed the quest chain "Ancient Colors", you can simply use the portal near the village teleporter. Then climb onto the tower suspended from the ceiling. You can fly over to the location with the hydrocool from one of the ledges shown in the third screenshot below.

Hydroculus 35
- Location: Elinas
Move to the teleporter in the center of the indicated area, then jump off the cliff and glide south. Inside the archway of the dilapidated wall, you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 36
- Location: Elinas
Hangs over a strange stone circle located on the west coast of the specified area. You can grab it by glide down from the teleport to the east. You can also just climb the nearby cliff and enter the water ring shown in the second screenshot below, which will lead you straight to the orb.

Hydroculus 37
- Location: Beryl District
Travel to the Hydro Archon statue in the indicated area, then run to the southeast and climb onto a small rock, on top of which you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 38
- Location: Elton Trench
Located in a secret location, which you get on the quest "A Fontainian Message". However, you can sail here without receiving a task (the walkthrough shows how to do this). Then climb up the rubble and grab the Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 39
- Location: Beryl District
From the statue of the Hydro Archon, move south to the hot spring. The particle is under water near the root. However, at first you will not be able to climb into the reservoir, as you will lose health. To cool the lake, you will need to solve a multi-step puzzle, which we talked about in separate guide.
Hydroculus 40
- Location: Beryl District
You can pick it up when deciding hot spring puzzles. When you hit the Hydro Totem to fill the cave with water, move to Iron Viscount and enter the water ring behind it. Then swim with the current and you'll find a Hydro Particle at the “Upstairs” .
Hydroculus 41
- Location: Merusi village
First get to this underground location. We talked in detail about how to do this in the passage of the quest "The Illusion’s Finishings". Then go towards Mamer's house, which is located in the northwest of the location, and collect the Hydro Orb along the way.
Hydroculus 42
- Location: Merusi village
It is located in the underwater part of the specified settlement. You can get here when completing a world quest "ItThere Will Come Soft Rains". If you want to return here, then in the main village, go to a small pond (shown in the screenshots below) and dive into it. Near one of the houses you will find a Hydro Sphere.
Hydroculus 43
- Location: Beryl District
Travel to the southernmost teleport in the area, and then head north. Here you will find a treasure chest and three fairy houses. Lead the spirits to their gardens to open the chest and summon a water ring. Enter it and you'll head up to the Hydro Platforms, where you'll find a luxurious chest and a particle. We have discussed this mystery in detail in separate guide.

Hydroculus 44
- Location: Beryl District
From the previous hydrocule, plan to the southeast side. On top of a small cliff, you will find another Hydro Sphere.
Hydroculus 45
- Location: Beryl District
From the past hydrocule, keep flying southeast, and soon you will notice a mine shaft below you. Go down in it and pick up a Hydro particle along the way.

Hydroculus 46
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
Move to the teleport north of the capital, and then run to the northeast and climb the small cliff. From it, fly over to the dilapidated aqueduct, over which the sphere hangs.

Hydroculus 47
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
Move to the teleport northwest of the capital, and then run straight north to the hilichurl hut. Climb onto it and grab the Hydro Orb.
Hydroculus 48
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
From the previous hydrocule, run west to the farm. If you haven't completed the world quest yet "In the Upon a Flowery Field of Grass", then carefully approach the stone fence behind the dog surrounded by flowers and activate the airflow from afar by hitting Anemo on the windmill. Use the stream to fly up and pick up the particle.

Hydroculus 49
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
From the previous hydroculus, keep running west. Soon you will find a large wooden structure in the shape of a cylinder in front. Climb onto it and take the Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 50
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
From the past hydroculus, go a little to the west and climb the rock. From there, glide south and grab the particle hanging near the tower's spire.

Hydroculus 51
- Location: Annapause
You can pick it up when completing a quest "The Narzissenkreuz Adventure" when you need to destroy the first bubble fort. If you suddenly missed it, then move to the teleporter, which is located at the “Upstairs” in the water dome, and then glide down.
Hydroculus 52
- Location: Annapause
You can pick it up at the very beginning of the quest. "The Story of “the Princess” and “the Adventure Team”" when interacting with the big bubble.
Hydroculus 53
- Location: Annapause
Complete the quest "The Story of “the Princess” and “the Adventure Team”" to go to the top of the area filled with water and activate the teleport there. Near the teleportation point, you will find a stone ledge, over which the particle you need hangs. Hover right in front of the ledge and only then go down, otherwise you will simply fall down.
Hydroculus 54
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
It hangs high in the air and can be obtained by summoning an air current. To do this, run to the beach, where there is a locked precious chest. You will need to find three fairies and bring them to the houses. Interact with the echolusk to see hidden items. Turn around and run towards the object in the water. Dig it up and enter the water ring - you'll go up to the Hydro platform at the “Upstairs”, where the first spirit will be.
Jump down and now run towards the furthest hidden object in the southeast. Dig again and you will find a second fairy. Then move to the blockage of stones on the rock and destroy it to free the third spirit. Leading all the fairies to the gardens will unlock a precious chest and allow you to take advantage of the air current that will take you to the hydroculus.
Hydroculus 55
- Location: Annapause
Move to the southernmost teleport of the specified area, and then go north and near the exit from the location, swim up to the ruins. In the dilapidated room you will find a Hydro Orb.

Hydroculus 56
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
From the Echoes of the Deep Tides dungeon, go south and climb the cliff. At its top, near the water ring, you will find the necessary particle. You can also simply climb up the Palace of Mermonius in the capital, jump off it, and glide to the desired mountain.
Hydroculus 57
- Location: Talat underwater valley
Swim to the area shown in the screenshots below. Here you will find a dome, behind which is a precious chest and a Hydro Orb. To remove it, you will need to bring three fairies to your houses. The first is to the right of the barrier, not far from a locked rich chest guarded by three mek rays. Deal with the enemies and take the spirit to the garden (before that, you can take the ability from the oscar by hitting it with LMB).

Now swim to the left of the dome, and soon you will see seaweed ahead, in which the second fairy is entangled. Cut the plant by hitting the green orb with the water blade (hold the E key for a long time, enter the aiming mode, and then release it). Take the fairy to the house. Along the way, you will need to cut three more algae, hitting three spheres at the same time.
Further move to the east from the dome and behind the teleporter you will find the third fairy. You will make it move only after you pass the shooting test - you will need to destroy 12 puffyfruits on the left, right and front in 30 seconds (explode the barrels next to them). When all three fairies are delivered to their houses, you can pick up the Hydroculus.

Hydroculus 58
- Location: Talat underwater valley
From the previous hydrocule, swim east to the seaweed holding the airship. Before doing this, take the ability from the Xenochrome Oreray (Waterblade) if you haven't already taken it. Then cut off all the seaweed by shooting the green orbs with your blade and climb onto the airship.
Pick up the Ushii Energy Block (purple ball) and then normal attack pneumonia transmitter (white pole) to make the airship rise up and fly towards the Hydro Particle, which you can grab.
Hydroculus 59
- Location: Cours de Fontaine
Travel to the Hydro Archon statue in the capital and immediately eat some stamina meals. Then start climbing the Palace of Mermonius. The particle is at the top of his tower. We advise you to climb it from the left side, as there are more places where you can stop and recuperate. You should also choose some tall character so that at the very top you can overcome the obstacle in the form of a ledge on the roof (see the 3rd screenshot below).
Hydroculus 60
- Location: Cours de Fontaine
After climbing onto the Palace of Mermonius after collecting the previous hydroculus, jump off it and fly to the northeast. Fly over the wall and land on the roof of the circular structure where you will find the Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 61
- Location: Cours de Fontaine
Start the challenge by interacting with the red marker located near the eastern wall of the capital. You will need to collect 32 particles in 120 seconds. Run forward, collecting the first orbs, and then enter the water ring and fly up to the Hydro platforms.
Go through the platforms and jump into the air current, and from it fly into the wind rings. After landing on the roof, go to another ring in order to climb even higher. As a result, you will find yourself on a huge stone arch, where the Hydro particle is located.

Hydroculus 62
- Location: Chemin de Lespore
Travel to the southernmost teleporter of the specified area, and then start sailing east to the almost completely flooded tower. Climb onto it, and then enter the water circle to fly up and pick up the particle.
Hydroculus 63
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
In the southern part of the area, interact with the anchorage that will be marked on your mini-map to summon a wavewalker. Then ride it to the northwest, and soon you will see the Hydro Sphere hanging above the water. Jump out of the ship to grab her.

Hydroculus 64
- Location: Elton Trench
Travel to the northernmost teleport in the indicated area, and then swim south a little, and under the stone archway you will find a Hydro Orb.
Hydroculus 65
- Location: Elton Trench
Travel to the northernmost teleport in the indicated area, and then swim north to the ruins with the locked chest. Behind the chest at the back of the ruins you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 66
- Location: Cours de Fontaine
After climbing the tower while collecting the 67th oculus, jump off it and glide northwest towards the aqueduct. This particle will hang above it.

Hydroculus 67
- Location: Cours de Fontaine
It is located at the top of a structure located southeast of the capital. To get up there, enter the water circle behind the turret.

Hydroculus 68
- Location: Institute of Natural Philosophy
You can get it during or after completing the world quest "Aqueous Tidemarks". If you missed it while completing the quest, then move to the southern teleport of the area, turn around and swim back. Then turn right and up. Here you will find a bulletfish. Take the ability from the armored crab and destroy the cannon by taking its projectile and throwing it back. As a result, you will unlock the Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 69
- Location: Institute of Natural Philosophy
You can get it during or after completing the world quest "Aqueous Tidemarks". If you missed it while completing the quest, then move to the southern teleport of the area, and then move east. Swim through the passage and above the ladder you will find a Hydro Orb.
Hydroculus 70
- Location: Salos sea plateau
Move to the Pale Forgotten Glory dungeon, and then swim east. Soon you will see ahead Magical twin knights, between which the Hydro sphere is located.
Hydroculus 71
- Location: Salos sea plateau
From the previous hydroculus, swim north, and then climb onto the island. Here, next to the bushes, you will find the Hydro particle you need. Be careful, as there is a mek walking nearby.
Hydroculus 72
- Location: Salos sea plateau
From the previous hydroculus, run northwest and dive back into the water. At the bottom you will find an echolusk covered with a barrier. Bring three fairies to him to remove the dome, and then interact with the echolusk. A large school of fish will appear, in the center of which there will be a luxurious chest and a water ring - enter it and you will be transferred to the top, where you will find a Hydro particle. We examined this puzzle in more detail in separate guide.
Hydroculus 73
- Location: Salos sea plateau
Travel to the Pale Forgotten Glory dungeon, and then swim northeast to the cave entrance and enter the water circle to speed up. Pick up xenochrome armor crab's ability along the way to protect yourself from bulletus shots. Soon to the right, under the stone archway, you will notice a Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 74
- Location: Institute of Natural Philosophy
You can get it after completing the world quest "Aqueous Tidemarks". Travel to the northern teleport of the specified area, and then go to the opposite side of the room, and you will find a Hydro Orb on the ladder.
Hydroculus 75
- Location: Institute of Natural Philosophy
You can get it after completing the world quest "Aqueous Tidemarks". Move to the northern teleport of the specified area, and then turn around and run back. Turn right, swim across the small area and interact with the console to open the door. Inside you will find a treasure chest and a Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 76
- Location: Cours de Fontaine
Fly over the eastern wall of the city and land in a small pool, where you will find the Hydro Particle you need.
Hydroculus 77
- Location: Salos sea plateau
Travel to the northwest teleport of the specified area, and then start sailing southeast to the ruins. Under the stone archway, behind the algae, you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 78
- Location: Salos sea plateau
From the previous hydrocule, continue sailing to the southeast and swim up to the huge plant. Inside his cup you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 79
- Location: Salos sea plateau
From the past hydroculus, swim south and swim into a small crevice. Then turn around and dive into the half-open cave, where you will find the Hydro Orb.

Hydroculus 80
- Location: Cours-de- Fontaine
Hanging high in the sky above the ship. You can get it in two ways. First: get on the ship and then start to fish. Catch any fish to spawn a water ring nearby - enter it to fly up and grab the Hydro Particle.
The second way: after climbing onto the stone arch when collecting the 82nd oculus, just glide from it towards this hydroculus and pick it up.
Hydroculus 81
- Location: Salos sea plateau
It is located inside a stone temple, closed by a red barrier. To get through it, you need to solve a small puzzle with wonderful spheres and rings. We have detailed how to do this in separate guide.
Hydroculus 82
- Location: Epikles Opera House
After collecting the previous hydroculus, swim to the roof of the temple with a barrier. Here you will find a water ring - enter it and fly up. Here you will find another water bubble - use it in order to fly to the stone arch, above which the particle hangs.
Hydroculus 83
- Location: Epikles Opera House
From the previous hydrocule, drop down in a northeasterly direction and glide under the stone bridge. This is where you will find the new Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 84
- Location: Marcotte Station
Move to the teleporter in the indicated area, and then run south to the water ring. Enter it to fly up and pick up a Hydro Orb along the way.
Hydroculus 85
- Location: Marcotte Station
Move to the teleporter in the indicated area, and then just run along the path to the east to the fountain. Enter it and pick up the Hydro Orb.
North of Fontaine
In the area added to the game With You the release of patch 4.1, you can find 65 Hydroculi. Their exact locations are shown below and tips on how to obtain the particles are given.
Hydroculus 86
- Location: Liffey District (north)
Swim to the island in the north of the indicated area, where there is a wooden platform, hilichurls and a cage. Climb to the top of the small rock and take the oculus.
Hydroculus 87
- Location: Liffey District (north)
Swim to the entrance to the underwater cave with Seahorse of a thousand-year-old pearl, but don’t swim into it, but rise higher and move even further north. You'll soon notice an oculus near some algae.
Hydroculus 88
- Location: Liffey District (north)
Located at the entrance to an underwater cave that leads straight to Seahorse of a thousand-year-old pearl.
Hydroculus 89
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus (north)
Move to the central teleport of the indicated area, and then run north until you see a large tower with a Hydro Particle hanging on top of it. Use the water ring located on the slope behind the structure to quickly climb up the desired building.
Hydroculus 90
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus
Floats above the roof of a metal tower located underwater.
Hydroculus 91
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus
Move to the teleporter in the center of the area, then start running north along the path and you'll soon see an oculus hanging above the boxes. If you accidentally break the boxes, then take the Traveler (Geo) and simply stand on its structure.
Hydroculus 92
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus
From the teleporter, run southwest, and soon you will see a Hydro Particle hovering above the ground. You can use Kazuha or the Wanderer to pick it up, or go higher up the slope and then turn around and glide down, picking up the oculus along the way.
Hydroculus 93
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus
Found in the same underwater cave as the Spiked Bubble. We talked about how to get there in separate manual. It is not necessary to deal with the boss.
Hydroculus 94
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus (south)
It hangs over a body of water located in the south of the indicated area. To pick it up, climb onto the ledge on the west side, and then glide down from it towards the oculus.
Hydroculus 95
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus
After collecting the previous oculus, run to the northeast and jump down from the waterfall. When planning, select an eye.
You can also collect 3 Hydrogranum to form a Hydro Core, and then stand near the Water Level Intelligence Crystal. After this, blue platforms will appear in the air, which will allow you to reach the particle.

Hydroculus 96
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus
After collecting the previous oculus, dive into the pond to the east and swim into the cave, the entrance to which is shown in the screenshots below. In it you will find the oculus.
Hydroculus 97
- Location: Eastern slope of Esus (east)
Travel to the underwater teleporter, then swim south and surface near the buoy. Climb onto it to collect the oculus.

Hydroculus 98
- Location: Liffey District (south)
Teleport to the Hydro Archon statue in the indicated area, and then climb onto the rock located just southwest of your current location. At its top you will find a blue particle.
Hydroculus 99
- Location: Liffey District (south)
Travel back to the Hydro Archon statue in the indicated area and you will see an oculus right next to it - it will be hanging over a dilapidated column.
Hydroculus 100
- Location: Liff District
Located in the same area as Forging press. Go down to the very bottom of the forge and find the oculus in its eastern part.
Hydroculus 101
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southwest)
Teleport to the Hydro Archon statue in the southern part of the region, and then move northwest to another part of the mainland. Climb up the small rock and at the top you will find an oculus.
Hydroculus 102
- Location: Liff District
Travel to the underground teleport located on the way to Forging press, behind the arena with the Millennium Pearl Seahorse. Continue towards the forge. The oculus will hang in the air in the room with the mek. Solve the press puzzle so that the area fills with water and you can pick up the particle without any problems, or simply climb the wall and glide towards the hydroculus.
Hydroculus 103
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute (south)
Located inside a closed tower located underwater. It hangs right under the ceiling. You can get here during or after completing a world quest "In Search of Lost Time: South".
Hydroculus 104
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute (south)
Hangs over a dilapidated column located near the shore. Just swim to it and climb up.
Hydroculus 105
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute
Located on the top of a cliff. Just climb it after eating endurance meals beforehand. You can also glide from the top of the tower on which the 107th Hydroculus is located.
Hydroculus 106
- Location: New Research Institute (west)
Head to the side Forging press, passing through the secret passage near Seahorse of a thousand-year-old pearl. When you reach the underground teleport, turn left and right and enter the huge pipe. Then dive into the water, take the ability from the xenochrome jellyfish and attack the blue Elemental Reaction: Crystallize near the round door with it. This way you can unlock it.
Swim into the next room, take out all the enemies here, and then in aiming mode shoot the crystal again to close the first door and open the second. Swim forward and you'll soon find an oculus.

Hydroculus 107
- Location: New Research Institute (northwest)
Located at the top of the tower. We advise you to climb the rock where the 138th Hydroculus is located, and then glide down from it in a south-west direction. This way you will be able to climb the structure without any problems.
Hydroculus 108
- Location: New Research Institute (west)
You can get it during or after completing the quest "Road to the Singularity". Go to Kuzel's workshop and reach the last room, where luxury chests are also located. Then climb onto the metal structure, on top of which the oculus hangs.
Hydroculus 109
- Location: New Research Institute (north)
Travel to the teleporter in the north of the indicated area, and then go up the slope even further north right to the edge of the map. Here you can either solve the Anemo totem, fairy and water exploration level crystal puzzles, or climb to the top of the cliff, turn around and glide down towards the oculus. Take a tall character so that he can pick up the particle with the top of his head.
Hydroculus 110
- Location: New Research Institute (northwest)
Move to the teleporter in the indicated area, and then run to the southwest and climb onto the wooden platform, and from it jump onto the metal pipe and climb to the very top. This is where you will relax your eyes.
Hydroculus 111
- Location: New Research Institute
Travel to the underground teleport located in the tunnel behind Seahorse of a thousand-year-old pearl. We talked about how to get here in the guide Forging press. After teleporting, turn around and jump off the cliff to grab the oculus hanging near the hook.
Hydroculus 112
- Location: New Research Institute
After collecting the previous oculus, jump into the water and submerge. Follow the tunnel west until you see a hole ahead. Swim into it and take the oculus. Note that this hole will appear here only after completing the quest chain "Unfinished Comedy".

Hydroculus 113
- Location: New Research Institute
After collecting the previous oculus, swim out of the hole and continue to swim through the main tunnel leading back to the boss arena. Behind the water circle you will find another particle.
Hydroculus 114
- Location: Liffey area (centre)
Travel to the underwater teleporter in the center of the indicated area, then swim north to the metal pipe. At its top you will find a blue particle.
Hydroculus 115
- Location: Liffey area (centre)
Having collected the previous Hydroculus, dive to the bottom and near the entrance to the tunnel you will find another particle.
Hydroculus 116
- Location: Liffey District (south)
It is underwater. Travel to the Hydro Archon statue in the indicated area, then jump into the sea and dive into it. Swim north to a ledge with large mushrooms. The oculus hid between these mushrooms.
Hydroculus 117
- Location: Liffey District (south)
Travel to the southern teleporter of the marked area, then run northeast, jump off the cliff and grab the blue particle in mid-flight.
Hydroculus 118
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southeast)
Travel to the teleporter near the lake in the indicated area, then run south along the path. Soon you will discover a house with an oculus on the roof.
Hydroculus 119
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southeast)
Move again to the teleporter near the lake, and then dive into it and take the ability from the xenochrome jellyfish floating nearby (hit it with LMB). Now swim into the hole shown in the screenshots below and destroy the stone using the jellyfish skill (E key). Dive even deeper and you'll finally be able to pick up the oculus.
Hydroculus 120
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southeast)
Having collected the previous oculus, go further down into the cave, and then move along the tunnel to the west until you find yourself in a spacious location where the world quest takes place "Treacherous Light of the Depths" (it is not necessary to go through it now). The particle you need hangs under the stone arch shown in the screenshots below. Climb onto it and jump down to the oculus.

Hydroculus 121
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southeast)
Travel to the teleporter near the lake again, and then run west along the pond. You will find a particle next to a destroyed wall - just pick it up.
Hydroculus 122
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southeast)
Hangs above a dilapidated column, which can be reached from any nearby teleport. You do not need to fulfill any additional conditions to receive it.
Hydroculus 123
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (south)
Hangs over the roof of a round building. To pick it up, we advise you to either climb the dilapidated aqueduct nearby, or use the water ring on the ground. The picture below shows both objects. Then simply fly up to the particle and grab it.

Hydroculus 124
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (south)
Travel to the teleporter shown on the map below. Turn around and go up a little towards the trees. Here you will find a Hurdle, behind which is the oculus. To remove it, you need to bring two fairies to your houses. We talked in detail about the solution to this puzzle in separate manual.
Hydroculus 125
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (south)
Travel to the teleportation point located southeast Experimental field generator . Then start going down the mountainside in a northwesterly direction. Soon you will notice a hole in the ground. Approach it and look down - you will see a large stone door there - this is the passage to the secret room.
Go down and interact with the terminal - you will need to insert Arkhium Lumenite into it, which is created using the Forging Press and archium blanks . IN separate manual We talked in detail about where to find the right device and obtain the appropriate material. Inside, climb the wall to the right of the barrier and look to the left - near the ceiling you will see the Hydroculus you need. You can read more about this in our guide through Brave's secret room.
Hydroculus 126
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southwest)
Move south from the coliseum with the boss and find the Water Jade Fruit on the slope. Then start attacking him with Cryo, Pyro, Anemo, Dendro, Electro or Geo elements to create reactions. As a result, you will create a water ring. Interact with it to fly into the air. Then turn around and fly towards the turret, above the peak of which the oculus hovers.
Hydroculus 127
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southwest)
Located on the upper southwest platform of the Colosseum, where the arena with Experimental field generator. You can climb up along the destroyed wall on the right side of the entrance to the building.

Hydroculus 128
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southwest)
Found on top of a cliff located southwest of the teleport near the Experimental Field Generator. To quickly go up, use the water ring located nearby (see screenshot below), and then grab the oculus.

Hydroculus 129
- Location: Institute of Kinetic Energy (southwest)
Travel to the teleporter located north of Experimental field generator, and then move towards the ruins to the west. Go around them and go to the entrance on the other side. To the right of the passage you will see debris. Approach them and squeeze through the gap to pick up the Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 130
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins (south)
Found on top of the destroyed bridge in the indicated area. You can climb it from the southern shore. To do this, jump off the cliff with the operative and climb onto the tower, and from there go down to the bridge and run forward along it.

Hydroculus 131
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins (south)
After collecting the previous oculus, jump off the bridge and fly to the right. You will see a Hydroculus on top of a dilapidated column.

Hydroculus 132
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins (south)
From the previous oculus, jump into the pond to the north or move to the nearby underwater teleporter, then swim to the underwater ruins shown in the pictures below. The particle you need will hang above them.
Hydroculus 133
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute (south)
Travel to the nearest underwater teleporter and then swim west to find an oculus near a dilapidated column underwater.
Hydroculus 134
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins (southwest)
Hanging over a dilapidated column. You can swim across the water to it, and then just climb onto it.
Hydroculus 135
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins (east)
Travel to the southeast teleport of the indicated area and run towards the hilichurl camp. Look for the huge robot and you'll see a Hydroculus near its claw, looking down.
Hydroculus 136
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins (south)
Move to the lower teleporter in the south of the indicated area, and then move to the dilapidated column located even further south. Take your character higher and jump to pick up the particle.
Hydroculus 137
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins (north)
Travel to the teleporter in the north of the indicated area, and then go even further north to the tower. At its top hangs a Hydro particle. Just climb on it to collect the oculus.
Hydroculus 138
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute
Located at the top of the mountain, not far from the luxurious chest. You can get there from any direction.
Hydroculus 139
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute
Teleport to the institute, and then run northeast to the ledge on which the ruins are located. Right under the structure, next to the columns, you will find another Hydro particle.
Hydroculus 140
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute
Move to the institute and run northeast. On the slope, hit the rain stone to create a water circle and enter it. You will fly up and can collect the oculus along the way.
Hydroculus 141
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute
Travel to the teleporter near the institute, and then move east to the ruins. Jump over the fence on the right and look to the left - you will see a hydro particle hanging near the ceiling.
Hydroculus 142
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute
Travel to the teleporter near the institute, and then run northeast to the bridge. Start walking along it and you will find a blue particle near the crack.
Hydroculus 143
- Location: New Fontaine Research Institute
Teleport to the indicated area and climb the structure (can be outside or inside). Then pick up the oculus that hangs above the pillar connecting the canvases.
Hydroculus 144
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins
Move to the teleport at the top of the ruins (we told you how to get to it in the quest "The Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating in the Rubble" ), and then jump off the cliff and fly north towards the wreckage of the bridge. At the end of it you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 145
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins
Travel to the northern teleporter of the indicated area, and then go to the ruins to the east. Take the portable energy storage device on the lowest floor (we told you how to open the grate at the bottom in ciphergram guide ), and then go up the stairs and place the battery next to the terminal. Deal with the fatui and open the grate, behind which there is a Hydroculus.
Hydroculus 146
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins
Move to the teleport at the top of the ruins (we told you how to get to it in the quest "The Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating in the Rubble" ), and then jump off the cliff and fly east towards the dilapidated bridge. At its end, on the debris, you will find a particle. We recommend taking a jumping character, such as Kazuha or the Wanderer, to make it easier for you to reach the oculus. You can also jump from a higher cube and just glide onto the Hydroculus.
Hydroculus 147
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins
Move to the teleport at the top of the ruins (we told you how to get to it in the quest "The Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating in the Rubble" ), and then go a little east to the remains of the destroyed tower hanging in the sky - that’s what you’ll have to climb. To do this, climb up the tilted column shown in the screenshots below. Then use the Traveler, Kazuha, al-Haitham, Keqing or Zhongli to move to a higher pillar.

If you do not have the indicated characters, then simply take the Traveler (Geo) and install one Geo structure at the end of the bottom column, and the second at the top. Eventually you will be able to climb higher. Now just climb up the debris to the hydroculus.

Hydroculus 148
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins
Move to the teleport at the top of the ruins (we told you how to get to it in the quest "The Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating in the Rubble" ), and then glide east and fly into the Hydro Cube shown in the screenshots below. Inside it, in a dilapidated building, you will find the particle you need.
Hydroculus 149
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins
Travel to the underwater teleporter southwest of the lab ruins, then swim northeast and you'll soon see a metal grate near the shore. Take the power of the xenochrome puff (click on it with LMB) floating nearby, swim up to the grate and hold down the “E” key, releasing bubbles towards the blue crystal.
As a result, the grate will open and you can swim inside. Swim through the crack in the floor and turn around to see an oculus in the ceiling. There is also a locked rich chest here.

Hydroculus 150
- Location: Central Laboratory Ruins
Move to the teleport at the top of the ruins (we told you how to get to it in the quest "The Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating in the Rubble" ), and then glide south towards the bridge debris below. On them you will find another oculus.
East Fontaine
In the area added to the game With You the release of patch 4.2, you can find 66 Hydroculi. Their exact locations are shown below and tips on how to obtain the particles are given.
Hydroculus 151
- Location: Epikles Opera House
Move to the indicated teleporter and turn the camera to the right and you will see a particle in the air. Go down the slope and further to the right, among the fir trees, you will find a mechanism that allows you to obtain the ability of a xenochrome octopus. Having taken it, move the hat-shaped jellyfish with its E-shank closer to the eye, and then jump into it and grab the item you need.
Hydroculus 152
- Location: Epikles Opera House
From the previous ocular, run northeast. In a small puddle surrounded by stones, you will find a pneumusia storage box. If you do not have a character with an Ushii strike, then you can pick up the corresponding energy block a little further to the north, behind the cobblestone. Then just hit the box and behind it you will find an oculus.
Hydroculus 153
- Location: Lusin Fountain
Move to the teleport just east of the fountain and turn around - at the top of the mountain you will see an oculus. Sit in Antoine Roger's airship, located nearby, picking up the Ushii energy unit (purple ball) along the way. Then hit the engine to make the aircraft take off. When he stops, take part in the test to destroy the Anemo slimes. Then run forward along the blue platforms and use the hat-shaped jellyfish to reach the oculuc.
Hydroculus 154
- Location: Foggy Forest Path
Teleport to the teleporter in the indicated area, and then run east along the river. Near the coast you will see an oculus hanging high in the air. Go to the island, take the octopus skill from the mechanism, and then move the hat-shaped jellyfish to the edge of the cliff. Enter it and pick up the particle in the sky.
Hydroculus 155
- Location: Foggy Forest Path
From the previous hydroculum, run north to the wooden bridge laid over the river. Take some small character and run under the bridge.
Hydroculus 156
- Location: Foggy Forest Path
From the previous hydroculus, run to the northeast, take the octopus ability from the mechanism, and then destroy 3 greenish pollution with this skill. As a result, one of the hat-shaped jellyfish will fly up. Enter the first jellyfish, and then immediately into the second one to gain the desired height and pick up the particle.
Hydroculus 157
- Location: Port Lumidus
From the port, sail northwest and look for a hat-shaped jellyfish in the water. Enter it to fly up and grab the Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 158
- Location: Foggy Forest Path
Go to the Rusty Helm bar and find Perminget there. Pass it quiz to get the opportunity to shoot from a cannon. Knock out the wall with a projectile to open a passage to a secret cave. Then enter it, jump down and right near the entrance to a larger area, on the left, you will see a Hydro Particle. We talked about this in more detail in separate guide.
Hydroculus 159
- Location: Foggy Forest Path
Hidden in the same cave as the previous Hydroculus - just climb up to the ledge just ahead.

Hydroculus 160
- Location: Port Lumidus (north)
Travel to the teleporter on the northern coast, then run south and climb up the high cliff. At its top the Hydro particle will float.
Hydroculus 161
- Location: Port Lumidus (north)
She can be found behind a closed grate near a rusty ship washed ashore in the eastern part of the Erinyes Forest. To open it, you will need to find three keys to a simple vault. We have shown their location in separate guide. Behind the bars you will find a Hydroculus and a precious chest containing a branch.
Hydroculus 162
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake (southeast)
From the rusty ship, go north, and soon you will notice a small lake, not far from which the treasure thieves have gathered. Deal with the opponents, and then take the xenochrome octopus ability from the device located a little east of the pond.
Now use your newly acquired skill on the stone cobblestone (sphere of potential energy) to throw it straight into the whirlpool in the pond. To do this, stand as shown in the picture below, hold down the “E” button, hold it for 3-4 seconds and release when the stone begins to vibrate.

Having removed the obstacle, you can now safely dive into the pond. Here you will find a Hydroculus and a portal leading to the bottom of the Great Lake of Fontaine.

Hydroculus 163
- Location: Weeping Willow by the Lake (east)
Move to the eastern teleport of the indicated area, and then run east and climb onto a small rock, on top of which the particle you need will float.
Hydroculus 164
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
Travel to the eastern teleporter of the indicated area, then go a little south and help the three hatted jellyfish by solving small puzzles. After this, you can fly up and pick up the oculus. We examined in detail all the riddles in separate guide.
Hydroculus 165
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
Travel to the southern teleport of the indicated area, and then climb the rock to the east and look for a Achievement: Challenger marker here. Take on its passage. You will need to collect 30 blue orbs in 50 seconds. Just run forward along the rock, collecting the marbles, and then use the hat-shaped jellyfish to fly up and collect the oculus.
Hydroculus 166
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
Travel to the lake's southern teleporter and then continue south until you reach a small body of water. Dive into it. At the bottom you will find a huge shell - knock on it and inside you will find an oculus.

Hydroculus 167
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
From the previous Hydrocule, run northwest and you will soon see the next Hydroparticle hovering over a large boulder - just climb onto it.
Hydroculus 168
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
Complete the quest chain "The Wild Fairy of Erinnyes", and then move to the underwater teleporter shown on the map. Turn around and swim into a small cave, where an oculus will hang above the stalagmite.
Hydroculus 169
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
It can also only be obtained after completing the line "The Wild Fairy of Erinnyes". From the underwater teleporter, swim north into the large cavern, then start swimming upward and swim through the hole in the ceiling to enter another tunnel. Move along it forward until you find yourself near the ledge. You will need to swim under it to find the particle.
Hydroculus 170
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
From the 167th hydroculum, continue running in a northwest direction, climbing up the mountainside. At the very top you will find a particle. Be careful as she is guarded by Anemo Hilichurl Rogue, which you will need to defeat to create an air flow.
Hydroculus 171
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
Just climb onto the rock located under the roots of the weeping willow.
Hydroculus 172
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
After collecting the previous Hydroculus, look to the northeast and you will see a cave entrance not far from the lake shore. Enter it and go down. Here you will find a cannon. Sit behind it, lift the barrel up once, and then shoot to create a passage ahead.
Now call the waveboat, sit in it and swim a little forward. Jump out of the ship and pick up the Hydro Particle in mid-flight.

Hydroculus 173
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
Travel to the teleporter east of the Weeping Willow, then head northeast until you see a small pond polluted with green slime. You will need to remove the contamination.
To do this, take the xenochrome octopus skill from the mechanism on the right. Then go to the pond and use the skill on the green clumps to destroy them. Wait until they swim close to the shore, and then shoot energy.
After clearing the water, dive into the pond and climb into the portal. As a result, you will find yourself in a secret dungeon. Inside you will find a rich chest with branch of a foggy forest. Then go up the ladder to collect the Hydroculus and exit the cave.
Hydroculus 174
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
Having taken the previous Hydroculus, get out of the well and go to the ruins of the house a little to the north. At the top of the dilapidated wall you can find a new particle.
Hydroculus 175
- Location: Weeping willow by the lake
Get to the wooden platform north of the lake. The oculus is hidden inside the tent. Be careful, as a local Legend is on the loose Rocky Avildsen. There is no need to fight him.
Hydroculus 176
- Location: Lake Urania
You can get here during or after completing the quest chain "The Wild Fairy of Erinnyes". Continue swimming forward after finding the 169th oculus into the main cave, and then open the northern tunnel (shown in the second screenshot) with the Razorback skill by destroying the scarlet pranksters. In the middle of this path you will come across an oculus. You can also get here from Lake Urania.

Hydroculus 177
- Location: Lake Urania
Climb the slope east of the pond where the turquoise barriers are located. Here you will need to solve a small puzzle. First, kill the Anemo slimes floating in the air, and then activate three Anemo totems. With the barriers removed, light three Pyro braziers with your character. Next, deal with the mini-boss. As a result, an air current will appear, with which you can fly to the oculus hanging high in the sky. We've covered the solution to this puzzle in more detail in a separate guide.

Hydroculus 178
- Location: Lake Urania
From the indicated lake, move north. Soon at the marked point you will find a container of energy and a giant shell. Click on the shell to take the pneuma power unit (yellow ball), and then jump into the pond and grab the creature floating in it (can be seen by the flashes on the surface of the water). As a result, a fairy will appear and fly into her house, and the pond will immediately dry up.
Go down, take the contents of the rich chest and hit the container of energy with pneuma energy. As a result, you will destroy it, and an oculus will appear underneath it.

Hydroculus 179
- Location: Lake Urania
Hanging above a bubble of water in the center of the lake. You can pick it up after receiving the 177th hydrocul - just plan towards the reservoir. You can also just climb up some rock nearby and fly down from it.
Hydroculus 180
- Location: Lake Urania
Hangs high in the sky southwest of the pond, above the cliff. You can try to collect it by jumping off the cliff where the 181st Hydroculus is located. You can also pick up the octopus skill from the mechanism shown in the second screenshot below, and then move the hat-shaped jellyfish to the edge of the cliff (affect it with the skill), jump into it and pick up the particle.
Hydroculus 181
- Location: Lake Urania
Move to the teleport to the west of the indicated reservoir, and then turn the camera south and up - you will see a Achievement: Challenger mark on the top of the rock, near which a Hydro particle will hang. Climb the mountain and take the oculus.
Hydroculus 182
- Location: Marcotte Station
Teleport to the Hydro Archon statue located near the indicated area, and then jump off the cliff down to the reservoir in the eastern direction. Here you will see a huge shell - hit it with a normal attack to open it. Inside you will find an oculus.
Hydroculus 183
- Location: Marcotte Station
Teleport to the Hydro Archon statue located near the indicated area, then turn around and you will see a particle floating in the air. Climb the tree to collect the oculus or use the hat-shaped jellyfish.
Hydroculus 184
- Location: Erinyes Forest (north)
Floats in the air between two rocks. Simply climb up one of the mountains and then glide down towards the particle to pick it up mid-flight.
Hydroculus 185
- Location: Erinyes Forest (north)
Travel to the teleporter on the mountain in the southern part of the Institute of Kinetic Energy, and then go around the rock from the north, and go to its eastern side. You will see a particle floating above a dried tree.
Hydroculus 186
- Location: Erinyes Forest (northeast)
Get to a small island in the northeast of the indicated region, and then climb onto a small rock, on the top of which you will find an oculus.
Hydroculus 187
- Location: Soul Orthant
It can be obtained during or after completing the quest "Cupid’s Lover". Enter the ruins and get to the central device, to which you need to connect all the energy flows. Then enter the eastern passage and take the elevator to the top. Walk along the corridor to the very end and there will be an oculus hanging above the white light (Special Key).
Hydroculus 188
- Location: Soul Orthant
Hangs right at the entrance to the specified area. Can be collected without starting the quest "Cupid’s Lover".
Hydroculus 189
- Location: Eastern slope of Mon Atoneki
Travel to the northern teleport of the indicated area, and then climb the mountain located in the southeast. At its top you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 190
- Location: Eastern slope of Mon Atoneki
From the previous hydroculus, run north and dive into the water. Find the stone bridge, and under it you will find another particle.
Hydroculus 191
- Location: Ipsissimus Tower
From the previous hydroculum, begin to dive to the bottom in an easterly direction. In one of the gorges not far from the giant shell you will find a new particle.
Hydroculus 192
- Location: Ipsissimus Tower
Located at the top of the tower. If you haven't completed the quest chain yet "In the footsteps of Narcissus", then simply enter the water ring on the southern part of the structure to climb to its roof, and then climb right up to the spire.

If the tower is already flooded, then use the airship and climb up the platforms. We talked about this in detail in separate manual.

Hydroculus 193
- Location: Ipsissimus Tower
Hangs above the entrance with a blue barrier leading to the ruins of Ortant Personality, where you will go when completing the quest "Thalia and Melpomene". It is possible that it will be possible to swim through the Hurdle only during or after completing the specified task.
Hydroculus 194
- Location: Ipsissimus Tower
Swim to the foot of the flooded tower. To the north of it, under a stone bridge, you can find another oculus.
Hydroculus 195
- Location: Ipsissimus Tower
Travel to the southern underwater teleporter, then swim northeast. Soon you will notice a Hydro Particle under a ledge surrounded by algae.
Hydroculus 196
- Location: Ipsissimus Tower
Located underwater east of the tower and near the shore of the Ruins of Fort Haribla. Just swim up and pick it up.
Hydroculus 197
- Location: Ruins of Fort Charybdis (south)
From the previous hydroculus, sail southeast to a small island. At the top of his rock you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 198
- Location: Ruins of Fort Charybdis (south)
From the past hydroculus, go even further south to a small island. There, save the hatted jellyfish from the hilichurls. Then just jump into it and grab the Hydroculus hanging in the air.
Hydroculus 199
- Location: Ruins of Fort Charybdis
Travel to the southern teleporter of the area, and then fly east to the entrance to the cave where the river flows. There will be a Hydro Particle hanging right above the passage.
Hydroculus 200
- Location: Ruins of Fort Charybdis
Travel to the southern teleporter of the area and then cross the destroyed bridge and you will find a particle at the end of it. To get to the last part of the structure, you need to jump into the hat-shaped jellyfish.
Hydroculus 201
- Location: Ruins of Fort Charybdis
Hangs near the passage to the cave above the water. Simply climb onto the nearest cliff and then glide and grab the particle in mid-air.
Hydroculus 202
- Location: Ruins of Fort Charybdis
Go to the slope in the center of the location and look for the red Achievement: Challenger marker. Start completing it - you will need to defeat 5 meks in 90 seconds, so take your most advanced team. After dealing with the opponents, open the rich chest so that a water ring appears instead. Enter it and collect the oculus high in the sky.

Hydroculus 203
- Location: Ortant of Wishes
It can be obtained during or after completing the quest "Meteor Spear". After collecting the 216th oculus, jump down and dive into the water. Right below the gear you will see a new particle.
Hydroculus 204
- Location: Ruins of Fort Charybdis
Travel to the northern teleporter of the area, then run east to the ruins. Here you will need to solve a small puzzle with control mechanisms, which we described in a separate guide. As a result, an air flow will arise, with the help of which you can fly to the Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 205
- Location: Ruins of Fort Charybdis (north)
From the previous hydroculus, run north and dive into the water. Find shipwrecks in the gorge. Swim inside the front of it and you will find an oculus next to the energy storage box.

Hydroculus 206
- Location: Port Lumidus
Teleport to the port, turn around, and you will see a crane with an oculus hanging on the end. Simply climb onto the device to collect the particle.
Hydroculus 207
- Location: Port Lumidus
Warp to the port, then run east and grab the octopus skill from the mechanism near the fence. Next, use the ability on the pink Elemental Reaction: Crystallize to summon blue platforms. Follow them to the hat-shaped jellyfish, jump into it and take out the oculus.
Hydroculus 208
- Location: Eastern slope of Mon Atoneki (north)
Move to the teleport in the north of the indicated area, and then go up the destroyed bridge a little, glide from it and pick up a particle in the air.
Hydroculus 209
- Location: Eastern slope of Mon Atoneki (north)
From the previous hydroculus, fly north to the coast. Near the ruins you will find a hat-shaped jellyfish. Climb onto the dilapidated wall, and from it jump into the jellyfish to rise up and grab the particle.
Hydroculus 210
- Location: Memory Orthant
After collecting the 212th hydroculus, continue going down. You will be able to get to these ruins during or after completing the world quest "Muse’s Mother". After diving into the water, continue diving by swimming through the second hole, and then turn the camera to the left and after the arch you will see a particle.

Hydroculus 211
- Location: Ipsissimus Tower (north)
Travel to the northern underwater teleporter, then swim east and swim into the ruins through the blue Hurdle. Deal with the skate inside and then solve the puzzle with the pneumus blocks. We talked about this in more detail in a separate guide. Eventually you will be able to reach the Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 212
- Location: Mort (north)
Teleport to the Hydro Archon statue on the island west of the Ruins of Fort Kharbid. Then go down in a western direction and near the entrance to the temple ruins you will find an oculus.
Hydroculus 213
- Location: Memory Orthant
It can also be obtained during or after completing the quest "Muse’s Mother". After collecting the 214th Hydroculus, turn around and return to the room with the central device. Raise the camera up and to the right to see the particle behind the barrier. If it is still closed for you, then first use secret mirror, located opposite.
Hydroculus 214
- Location: Memory Orthant
It can also be obtained during or after completing the quest "Muse’s Mother". From the 210th hydroculus, continue deeper into the ruins, reaching the central device. Then swim into the northern passage and you will find a particle behind the mechanism on the lift.
Hydroculus 215
- Location: Ipsissimus Tower
Submerge yourself in the water and swim northeast from the tower. Take the ability from the xenochrome jellyfish, and then look for a huge boulder with a blue crack near the rock and blow it up with a bomb (hold the E key and then release it). Under the cobblestones you will find an oculus.
Hydroculus 216
- Location: Ortant of Wishes
It can be obtained during or after completing the quest "Meteor Spear". Enter the ruins and get to the central device, to which, according to the plot, you need to supply energy flows. Turn the camera up and you will see an oculus on top of the gear. Climb the stone column to the top, and then jump onto the moving gear. Then just take advantage of the wind that appears.
Nostoj District
In the area added to the game With You the release of patch 4.6, you can find 9 hydrocules. Their exact locations are shown below and tips on how to obtain the particles are given. We advise you to complete the quest chain "Canticles of Harmony", before embarking on a search for hydrocules in the region.
Hydroculus 217
- Location: Petrichor
Hangs above the chimney in the northern part of the village. Just climb up the building and grab the particle.
Hydroculus 218
- Location: Petrichor
Run to the eastern part of the island up the path. Look to the right and you will soon notice a dilapidated column with a particle floating on top of it. You may not notice it, since it is covered in front by the crown of a tree.
Hydroculus 219
- Location: Petrichor
Take it to the top of the mountain located in the northeastern part of the island. There you will find another particle.
Hydroculus 220
- Location: Dilapidated Castle
Travel to the western teleporter in the indicated area, run forward, turn left, go up the stairs and immediately turn left again to see a mysterious shelf that can be opened lost grimoire. Inside you will find a rich chest with a particle floating above it.

Hydroculus 221
- Location: Dilapidated Castle
From the previous oculus, go up the stairs in an easterly direction, then turn right, jump down from the railing and glide to the right. Go down into the water and pick up the particle.

Hydroculus 222
- Location: Dilapidated Castle
It is located behind the mysterious shelf located at the very top of the location. You can get there via blue moving platforms that appear when interacting with crystals. We talked about this in more detail in separate guide (See the paragraph about the 8th flying book).
Hydroculus 223
- Location: Dilapidated Castle
Move to the teleport near the boss Legatus Golem, and then turn around and run back. Climb up the fallen column, then turn left and jump onto the small platform, where you will find the particle.
Hydroculus 224
- Location: Dilapidated Castle
Move to the eastern teleport of the area, and then simply glide from the platform down towards the organ, above the pipes of which the particle will hang.
Hydroculus 225
- Location: Dilapidated Castle
Go to the boss arena Legatus Golem and avoid him if you don't want to start a fight with him. Behind him there is a large window, near which a Hydroculus hangs. Climb onto any of the pillars on both sides, and then glide down to pick up the particle.
Sea of antiquity
In the area added to the game With You the release of patch 4.6, you can find 46 hydrocules. Their exact locations are shown below and tips on how to obtain the particles are given. We advise you to complete the quest chain "Canticles of Harmony", before embarking on a search for hydrocules in the region.
Hydroculus 226
- Location: Janus Achievement: Gate (west)
Travel to the very first teleport in the region, and right below it in a small arch you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 227
- Location: Port Anticus
First, swim through the blue Hurdle in the northwestern part of the Janus Gate to reach a waterless cave. Then go north a little and come to a crack filled with water. This is where you will find the particle.

Hydroculus 228
- Location: Port Anticus
From the previous hydroculus, continue north until you reach a spacious cave. Climb up to the ledge on the left with luxurious chest. Use the water ring to climb onto the huge bell. In its center you will find a particle.
Hydroculus 229
- Location: Janus Achievement: Gate (north)
Move to the northern teleporter of the area, and then begin to swim upward in a northwest direction. Soon you will discover a high stone cliff, in one of the recesses of which the particle will be located.
Hydroculus 230
- Location: Port Anticus
From the 228th hydroculum, move east and jump into the water. Start swimming in an easterly direction until you notice a statue near the cave wall with a particle floating above it.
Hydroculus 231
- Location: Achievement: Gate of Janus
From the area's northern teleporter, swim west and you'll see an oculus on top of a ledge with algae growing on it.
Hydroculus 232
- Location: Achievement: Gate of Janus
Located right next to the teleportation point - swim a little south to see and pick it up.
Hydroculus 233
- Location: Evergetia Gardens
Teleport to the waypoint in the indicated area and sail northeast. Walk around the stone pillar on the left side and you will see a particle behind it.
Hydroculus 234
- Location: Achievement: Gate of Janus
Return to the previous teleport and swim upward in a western direction. At the top of the pointed cliff you will find the sphere you need.
Hydroculus 235
- Location: Achievement: Gate of Janus
From the past hydroculus, start swimming south and down. At the very bottom at the foot of the column you will find the particle you need.

Hydroculus 236
- Location: Achievement: Gate of Janus
From the previous hydroculus, sail south again, but now up. In the recess of the protrusion you will find the particle you need.
Hydroculus 237
- Location: Achievement: Gate of Janus
Teleport to the central waypoint of the area, then swim west and down. You'll see a particle floating just above a spiky cliff.
Hydroculus 238
- Location: Janus Achievement: Gate (south)
Teleport to the southern waypoint of the area, then swim up and left, around the stone cliff, until you see the particle you need under the arch.
Hydroculus 239
- Location: Caesarium
From the previous hydroculus, go down and find the entrance to the cave. Swim into it and start swimming towards the blue barrier. Go through the force field at the top to glide down and pick up the particle.

Hydroculus 240
- Location: Janus Achievement: Gate (south)
Travel to the southern teleporter of the area, then swim east to find the particle under a spiky rock.
Hydroculus 241
- Location: Janus Achievement: Gate (south)
From the 236th hydroculus, sail further south and up. The particle floats above a large rock covered in algae.
Hydroculus 242
- Location: Evergetia Gardens
From the 240th hydroculus, swim east and down to a small gorge. Soon you will see a particle hovering above a huge mushroom on the right.
Hydroculus 243
- Location: Caesarium
From the 239th hydroculus, continue running forward along the waterless tunnel until you find yourself in a spacious cave. The particle you need will hover next to the statue.
Hydroculus 244
- Location: Caesarium
From the previous hydroculus, go southeast and climb up the slope to the stone Achievement: Gate with a barrier (if you passed statue test, then the power shield will no longer be here). At their top you will find a particle.
Hydroculus 245
Location: Janus Achievement: Gate (south)
Travel to the southern teleporter of the indicated area, and then continue sailing south, entering a small waterless cave through the blue Hurdle. Run to the farthest wall and destroy the mountain of stones with any attacks. Behind it you will find a particle.

Hydroculus 246
- Location: Street of Nobility
Move to the northern teleporter of the area, turn the camera down a little, and you will immediately see an oculus hovering over a sharp stone.
Hydroculus 247
- Location: Nobility Street
From the southern teleporter of the area, swim up and north to find another Hydro Sphere above the ledge and pick it up.
Hydroculus 248
- Location: Street of Nobility
Teleport to the southwest waypoint of the area and then start swimming down towards the giant shell. Click on it once with LMB to open it. Inside you will find a particle.
Hydroculus 249
- Location: Court of Harmony
From the past hydroculus, swim upward in a southerly direction. Another Hydro Particle will hover at the “Upstairs” of the orange flower.
Hydroculus 250
- Location: Street of Nobility
Go down to the bottom of the gorge located northeast of the area's southern teleporter. There you will find a stone with blue cracks. Take the skill from the armored crab wandering nearby (click on it with LMB), and then destroy the cobblestone to find an orb behind it.

Hydroculus 251
- Location: Street of Nobility
From the 249th hydroculus, sail a little northeast to the huge golden columns. Inside one of them (look at them from above) you will find a Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 252
- Location: Nobility Street
Teleport to the northwestern teleporter in the indicated area, and then begin to swim east and up. You'll soon see an oculus ahead, hovering over a jagged cliff.
Hydroculus 253
- Location: Street of Nobility
From the area's northern teleport, sail west and up. The particle hovers over a small island of algae.
Hydroculus 254
- Location: Nobility Street
Travel to the northern teleporter of the area, and then swim west for a couple of minutes. Down below, next to two anemones, you will find a particle.
Hydroculus 255
- Location: Street of Nobility
Teleport to the eastern waypoint of the location, and then swim west and down towards the gorge. Here you will find a xenochrome jellyfish, from which you need to take the ability. Then shoot a bomb at the blue cracked cobblestone to destroy it. Behind it you will find the Hydro Sphere.

Hydroculus 256
- Location: Street of Nobility
Go back to the previous teleporter and then just swim north and you'll soon see a Hydro Particle floating next to a spiral octopus.
Hydroculus 257
- Location: Street of Nobility
From the past hydroculus, continue sailing north and gradually go down. You'll soon see a shell lying on a purple ledge at the bottom of the golden waterway. Click on it with LMB to open it and pick up the particle.
Hydroculus 258
- Location: Capitol Hill
From the previous ocular, start climbing up, and at the very beginning of the golden waterway you will find another Hydro Particle.
Hydroculus 259
- Location: Capitol Hill
Travel to the teleporter in the Golden Castle (in the north of the indicated area), and then run forward along the corridor and go up the steps. On one of the flights you will see an oculus floating in the air.
Hydroculus 260
- Location: Capitol Hill
Teleport to the waypoint on the second floor of the Golden Castle and immediately turn around. There you will see a particle floating behind the lift.
Hydroculus 261
- Location: Capitol Hill
Move to the outer western teleport of the indicated area, then turn around and swim up to the east. Climb just above the canopy of the main entrance to the building, and you will find a Hydro Particle above it.

Hydroculus 262
- Location: Capitol Hill
Travel to the southern underground teleport, located in the waterless cave, where the local Legend is also located Cineas. Run across the arena to the dilapidated column and look for another particle on its top.
Hydroculus 263
- Location: Capitol Hill
Teleport to the southern waypoint of the area, then swim northeast a little. At the bottom you will find a stone with blue cracks, which must be destroyed using the skill of the xenochrome armored crab crawling nearby. Behind it you will find a Hydro Particle.

Hydroculus 264
- Location: Capitol Hill
Return to the previous teleport, and now swim a little up in a western direction, and you will see a Hydro Particle in a dilapidated column.
Hydroculus 265
- Location: Capitol Hill
From the last oculus, swim further to the west, but gradually go down to the very bottom. Here in the crevice next to the blocked rich chest you will find the particle you need. Be careful, as it is guarded by an Armored Crab.

Hydroculus 266
- Location: Capitol Hill
From the southern teleporter of the area, swim northwest to the huge purple mushroom ledges. Above one of them you will find the blue sphere you need.
Hydroculus 267
- Location: Court of Harmony
Teleport to the location's northeast waypoint and then swim east, and you'll soon notice a Hydroculus hovering above some long kelp.
Hydroculus 268
- Location: Court of Harmony
Travel to the northeast teleporter of the marked area, then turn around and you will see two anglerfish and a Hurdle ahead, behind which is a Hydroculus and a luxury chest. You will need to solve a small puzzle to remove the protection and collect the particle. We talked about this in detail in separate guide.
Hydroculus 269
- Location: Court of Harmony
From the previous hydroculus, swim north to the golden columns. The particle you need will hover above the highest of them.
Hydroculus 270
- Location: Court of Harmony
From the past oculus, swim southwest to the algae. Near the stingrays you will find the particle you need.
Hydroculus 271
- Location: Court of Harmony
Travel to the teleporter in the waterless cave, then run forward into the spacious area. Here you will see a dilapidated column, in the middle of which a particle will float.
Hydro Archon Statue Level Up Rewards
After collecting a certain number of hydrocules, you will need to approach any Hydro Archon Statue and bow to it, transferring all the accumulated particles. By doing this, you will help her regain her former strength, and receive valuable rewards, including an achievement for which they give 20 primogems. The list of awards is presented in the table below.
Level | Required number of hydrocules | Reward |
2 | 20 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x80 Source Stones x60 Hydro Seals x5 Key from Deep Tombs of Fontaine x1 |
3 | 22 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x120 Source Stones x60 Hydro Seals x5 Memory of Running Stream x1 |
4 | 25 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x160 Source Stones x60 Hydro Seals x5 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key x1 |
5 | 28 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x200 Source Stones x60 Hydro Seals x10 Memory of Running Stream x1 |
6 | 30 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x240 Source Stones x60 Hydro Seals x10 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key x1 |
7 | 32 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x280 Source Stones x60 Hydro Seals x10 Memory of Running Stream x1 |
8 | 35 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x320 Source Stones x60 Seals of Hydro x15 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key x1 |
9 | 38 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x360 Source Stones x60 Seals of Hydro x15 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key x1 |
10 | 40 hydrocules |
Adventure EXP x400 Source Stones x60 Seals of Hydro x15 Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key x1 |
These are all hydrocules that can be found in Fontaine in Genshin Impact. We hope that our guide will help you in finding them and fully leveling up the Hydro Archon Statues.
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