The Underdark is a large location in the game Baldur's Gate 3. In search of a way to get rid of the illithid larva, the heroes need to get to the Moon Towers, the path to which lies through the Mountain Pass or Underdark. Unlike Mountain Pass, the Underdark is rich in quests, interesting places and alchemical ingredients that do not grow on the surface.
In this article we will talk about how to get into the Underdark, find all the interesting locations and get to the Shadowblighted Lands.
How to Descend to the Underdark
There are several entrances to the Underdark:
- Desecrated temple in the Goblin Camp.
- The Whispering Abyss in the Well of the Extinct Village.
- Secret lift in the Zhentarim hideout.
- Mushroom circle in the Overgrown tunnel under the Hag's house.
Goblin Camp
The path in the Goblin camp lies through the chambers priestesses of Guts, which you will meet in the Broken Sanctuary (X:297 Y:-19).
When we first meet, Kishka will offer us to get brand Absolute. You need to talk to her and tell her about the illithid larva. In turn, the priestess will offer you help and invite you to follow her to her chambers (X:267, Y: -21).

There are several options:
- Kill the priestess.
- Take advantage of the help offered.
Kill the Priestess
Killing Kishka right away will not be difficult, the main thing is not to let her call the rest of the goblins for help.
A spell will help here "Dream" or "Tasha's disgusting laugh", so that she misses her turn. We take the key from her and go to the Private Chambers (X:253, Y:-8).

Behind the door you will see an ogre named Polma, who is guarding the priestess's chambers. You can kill her, or you can pass one of the checks for intimidation, deception or persuasion (22). But in this case, Polma will not allow you to steal any items.
Accept the priestess's help
If you do not want to engage in battle with the Priestess and calmly get into her chambers, you should accept her help.
First of all, Gut will give you a cleansing potion. If successful Intelligence test, you will understand that this is nothing more than a Sleep Potion. Don't refuse to drink the potion.
Your character will instantly fall asleep and wake up in a cage, shackled. It turns out that the Priestess was not even going to help. She will extort information about the illithids needed for the Absolute.
The easiest way to get out and get rid of her is to choose in the dialogue "save your strength" and wait a little.
Later, a girl named Corilla will appear - the servant of our friend the devil Raphael. She will kill Kishka and the ogre Polma, and then free you. Corilla will tell you that she helped only because you are of great interest to her owner.

Now you can grab the rest of the squad and go to the eastern part of the Priestess's chambers. Don't forget to inspect the chests.
Continue deeper into the temple until you come across a puzzle with stone discs (X:431, Y:54). It is necessary to rotate the disks so that all the black moons are in place illuminated by the sun.
Stand so that the consecrated disk is at the bottom of the screen and turn in this order:
- Left disk - 1
- Right disk - 2
- Lower disk - 2
- Upper disk—2
- Right disk - 1

You don't have to go through this puzzle by using special lever.
There is a lever near the stairs leading to the closed passage (X:441, Y:64), which can only be used if the characters have passed the attention check.

By breaking the lever using thieves' tools (15), a stone door will open. Behind it there is a staircase leading to the Underdark, from where we immediately find ourselves in an abandoned Selunite outpost.

Whispering Abyss
Not far from the rune circle Extinct village there is a well (X:23,Y:400).
You must pass an Insight check to be able to climb down the rope.
This location is also necessary for examination for the quest Necromancy of Thay.
Several enemies will be waiting for you in the well tunnel. After the battle, we follow further through the passage closed by a web, where enemies will also be waiting: phase spiders led by the matriarch spider.

In the very middle of this place (X:-555, Y:-365) there is a hole in the ground. In order to go down, we cast a spell on the entire squad "Smooth Fall" and jump down. This will put you in the very heart of the Underdark.

Vault of the Zhentarim

While exploring the area, you may stumble upon a caravan that got into trouble on the Vskhozhaya Road (X: 26, Y: 526).
If you help them defeat the gnolls and hyenas, their partners will tell you that they work for the Zhentarim, a local criminal organization.
In gratitude, they will invite you to visit their underground hideout, which is located in the courtyard of the Waukeen Shelter. You will also receive the password required to log in and a mark on the card.

There is a quest associated with helping the caravan and the Zhentarim hideout "Find the missing cargo".
At the Waukeen Shelter we find a door lined with boxes. (X:-116 Y:611) and we go into the house.

A Zentariman awaits us there, guarding the entrance to the Vault. We say the password: "Little Snake, Long Shadow". The guard will let you in and hand you the key to the closet in the basement. Going down the hatch, we find a closet with a secret door in the northwestern part of the room (X:381, Y:-261).
If you found this location before rescuing your two companions in the gnoll cave, you must use detect thoughts and pass check (11) to find out the password.

In the northernmost part of the Vault, from the outermost door with an iron grate we go down. The characters must pass an attention check to learn that there is a secret passage behind the false wall.
Behind the wall you will see a lift that apparently goes deep underground. Unfortunately, it won't work without a key. We find the nearest guard and take the key from him, using pickpocketing.
The lift will take us down to Zhentarim underground warehouse. Don't rush to pass by - in the boxes in the warehouse you can find a lot of interesting things: from food and money, to weapons and alchemical ingredients.
You can go down from there using a rope net (X:163, Y:-106). Be careful, there are several traps under the descent point.

Portal in the Hag's lair

The portal we need to descend into the Underdark is located deep in the Hag's lair, which can be reached from Aunt Ethel's Tea House through the fireplace passage (X:-67, Y:262).
There is also a quest associated with this location "Save Mairina". You can learn more about how to defeat the Hag from this articles.
To get through the door we need a Whispering Mask, which can be taken from the table in the Entrance Gallery (X:-307, Y:589).

Go through the Overgrown Tunnel, turn right and jump over the waterfall. Another Crooked door leading to the portal is located on the left in the northern part (X:-354, Y:577).
You can get to it by going down the branches and jumping over the abyss. You can only get through the enchanted door by wearing the Whispering Mask.
In order to protect the character from the negative effects of the mask, it is necessary to use a priest spell "Protection from Good and Evil".
Behind the door is a Mushroom Circle that will teleport you straight to the Underdark.

To get down the cliff, use another Mushroom Circle that is behind the false wall (X:74, Y:-274).
All Underdark locations
Selunite Outpost
The outpost is located in the ancient ruins of an abandoned fort. You can go down there from the Desecrated Temple, where it is now located Goblin Camp.

Near the exit to the Underdark there is a statue of Selune, on top of which there is a security mechanism - Moon Crystal.
To get out of the fort safely, destroy the stone with any ranged attack and press the lever next to the gate (X:156, Y:-225).

In the room to the right of the statue is the Underdark - Selunite Outpost Rune Circle.
Grotto at Ebenozer
In the north of the Underdark there is a location called the Grotto at Ebenozer - the brightest place in all of the Underdark. The grotto is guarded by dangerous Flame Mushrooms, Timmasks and Biberbangs.
In this place lives a colony of Myconids - intelligent mushrooms, led by Lord Spav.

Near Lord Spav you can find a rock gnome named Tula (X: 83, Y: -97). After the conversation with which the quest will begin "Save the Dwarves at Grimforge". A detailed walkthrough of this quest can be found here.
You can also find two merchants here - Derrit Bonecloak and the hobgoblin Blorg.
Derrit Bonecloak will ask you to find her husband Baelen as part of a side quest "Find a mushroom picker".

dilapidated village

In the east of the Underdark, there is an abandoned mining village with a sandy beach where the Dvergar are located.
There is a boat right there on the shore, using which you can get to Grimforge. Also, by climbing the Rope Network next to the “Underdark - Shore” rune circle, jumping over a gap in the rock, you can get straight to the Magic Tower.
Magic Tower

To the southeast is the Ruined Wizard's Tower. The abandoned location is guarded by Mystic Turrets. How to disable them and get into the tower can be read in this guide.
It is required to attend the quest illithid Omeluma. In the tower you can find many alchemical ingredients and several unique artifacts.
Gnoynaya Bay

The descent to Gnoynaya Bay is not easy to find. Not far from the Magic Tower we find a drow who fell from a cliff (X:64 Y:-261). In the northwest of it, in the fissure, there is a rocky steep slope along which you can go down to the bay.
Going underground you will see a tribe of fish people worshiping their god BUUALU, making bloody sacrifices to him.
Horrible Hollow

The Terrible Hollow is located in the northeast. There live terrible monsters and the hostile drow Filro the Forgotten.
Not far from the rune circle “Underdark - sussur tree”, by climbing the tree itself you can find sussur flowers and bark (X-165, -139) required for the quest "Complete a weapon masterpiece".

In a remote place of the ravine (X:-41, Y:-209) There is a grave, in the gap of which you can find an unusual Dog Collar.
To get to Grimforge, you need to take a boat on the shore of the Dilapidated Village.

Grimforge is located on the ruins of the destroyed temple of the goddess Shar.
This is where you can find the Adamantine Forge (X4-597, Y:272) according to the quest of the same name. More information about how to use the forge is written in this article.

Moving south from the Underdark-Grimforge rune circle, there are excavations (X: -635, Y: 312), where Faithful Nere is located under the rubble. In this article You can learn more about him and the quest associated with him "Free the Faithful Nere". It is from Grimforge that you can get to the second act - the Shadow-Desecrated Lands.
Interesting places of the Underdark
There are quite a few interesting places in the underground that are not marked on the map.
Giant bird's nest
The bird's nest is located near the Grotto at Ebenozer (X:48, Y:-152). You can climb up into the nest using a potion of Outstanding Jumps or the Misty Step spell. The nest contains a chest with gold and an antidote.
hole in the rock

Near the passage from the Dilapidated Village to the Magic Tower (X:31, Y:-238), there is a rock with many holes.
When interacting with it, you must pass a survival check (15), you can understand that scavenger caterpillars live in these holes.
If you select the option "Put your hand into one of the holes" , only short races will be able to get it from there Topaz.
Fossilized Drow
Passing through the window (X: 140, Y: -240) you will come out onto a steep path, following which you can stumble upon a place where the fossilized drow are located.
There you will be taken by surprise Observer - a huge monster with one eye, which will first of all revive several drow.
Stash of Basilisk Oil

Not far from the field with the Fossilized Drow there is a cache. After going down the cliff, turn right until you see a stone arch covered with cobwebs. The chest contains a rare Basilisk oil, capable of removing petrification.
In total, you can find only three bottles of this oil during the game. It is impossible to create it yourself.

Sword in the Stone
Not far from the Selunite outpost you can find a shining drow blade stuck into a stone - Falar Aluwe (X:116, Y:-192). You can find out more about the blade and its unique effects here.
Path to the Moon Towers

From the rune circle "Darkland - Grimforge" we go straight east. Climbing the stairs at the Forged Gate there are two Dvergar and a rock thunder.
If you try to open the gate, the Dvergar will ask if you have Moon Lantern, necessary to cross the Cursed Lands and will tell you about the Dark Curse.
Before going up, make sure that all the quests you wanted to do have been completed. Since most of them will end automatically when moving to the second act.
Using the lift you will find yourself in an intermediate place between the Shar temple and the Cursed Lands.
Directly below the stairs is an Absolutist Expedition Chest containing essential supplies. (X:61, Y:-1165) and up the stairs, right above the chest you can find the key to it (X:62, Y:-1157).
At the passage to the Cursed Lands you will be met by the wizard Elminster, who will ask you to talk to him in your camp.

Not far from the place where the wizard will be waiting for you you can find Broken moon lantern (X:37, Y:-1165).
After speaking with Elminster at the camp, you can move forward to the Shadowblighted Lands.
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