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    Sprayfeather Gill in Genshin Impact: Where to Find and Buy


    IN Genshin Impact The Sprayfeather Gill is a local curiosity of Natlan, which is necessary for the elevation of a number of heroes and the creation of useful tools. You will need a considerable amount of these plants, so in this guide we decided to show you where you can find and buy them.

    What is Sprayfeather Gill Used For in Genshin Impact

    At the moment it is necessary for leveling up only one character – Mualani However, even to raise just one hero you will need 168 pieces these soft corals, so you should be prepared for their long and rather tedious farming.

    Let's add that these plants are also required to craft an extremely useful gadget using Alchemy:

    • Pyroculus Resonance Stone = Quenepa Berry x5 + Sprayfeather Gill x5 + Crystal Chunk x1 + 500 pestilences

    This tool will make it much easier for you to find pyrocules in Natlan, as it will mark the location of the closest fire particles to you.

    Preparing to collect Sea Feather

    Recommended characters

    You can collect these corals with any heroes, but if you plan to seriously farm them (that is, make not a 5-minute sortie, but arrange a real 30-40 minute Into the Woods ), then we advise you to take several characters into the squad, which will allow you to significantly reduce the time it takes to collect this curiosity. All of them are listed in the table below.

    Characters Peculiarities


    With her elemental skill, you can quickly collect curiosities from afar, eliminating the need to climb trees, ledges, and other hard-to-reach places.




    Showcase all nearby local curiosities of Natlan on the mini-map.


    Can cover both long and short distances very quickly in the absence of obstacles using his elemental skill.




    Reduces the active hero's stamina consumption while using the glider by 20 percent. The bonus does not stack.


    Allows you to quickly overcome small or medium ledges thanks to your elemental skill.

    Yae Miko

    Can increase his movement speed by placing Electro Totems (Elemental Skill).


    With his elemental ability, he can hover above the ground, allowing you to quickly cross small bodies of water, pits, and crevices. He can also fly upwards, allowing you to reach hard-to-reach locations.



    Kaedehara Kazuha

    Shikanoin Heizou

    Reduces the active hero's stamina consumption during sprinting by 20 percent. The bonus does not stack.


    She is able to quickly soar into the sky using her elemental ability, allowing her to easily climb high ledges.



    Reduces the active hero's stamina consumption when climbing rocks and other vertical surfaces by 20 percent. The bonus does not stack. Can make additional dashes thanks to his elemental skill.


    Sangonomiya Kokomi

    Reduces the active hero's stamina consumption while swimming by 20 percent. The bonus does not stack.


    Kamisato Ayaka

    Their unique sprint animation allows them to move quickly through water, making it easier to Achievement: Traversal rivers, lakes, and other water obstacles.


    Can run on water for a very long time thanks to his elemental skill, helping him quickly overcome water obstacles.


    If you hold down the heroine's elemental skill for a long time, she will turn into a wind wheel, which will significantly increase her movement speed. Often, moving with it turns out to be even faster than sprinting.


    The movement speed of team members increases by 10% during the dark hours (from 18:00 to 06:00) thanks to the heroine's passive skill "Night Walk".


    The movement speed of team members increases by 10% during daylight hours (from 06:00 to 18:00) thanks to the heroine's passive skill "Sunny Path".

    2x Anemo character

    Generates an Anemo Resonance, "Impetuous Winds," which reduces Stamina cost by 15% and increases movement speed by 10 percent.

    Don't forget to also take plenty of dishes for endurance and add them to NRE so you can use them immediately.

    How long does it take for the Sea Feather to respawn?

    As with other types of local curiosities, these plants recover exactly in a few days after collection. 48 hours real time . So after visiting the best farming spots, just wait a couple of days and then go through those routes again or ask to join your friends' worlds.

    Where to find Sea Feathers in Genshin Impact

    The official description states that Sprayfeather Gill is a special type of feather-shaped plant that grows near the sea. It looks like sea grass, but is actually soft coral. These materials can be found in the wild in the Toyek Stream area, near the Folk of the Springs.

    All farming spots are located in the vicinity of Toyek streams: total 73 regions . We also advise you to keep it in front of your eyes interactive map of Natlan, to better navigate the area.

    In order to collect absolutely all the feathers we have marked, you need to complete the world quest " A Tale of Dreams Plucked From Fire ", which opens up the underground and overground parts of the route.

    Feathers 1-3

    We suggest starting from the northwestern half of the Waters of Ameyalco: the first three feathers grow at the edge of the waterfall, which passes on the descent into the mouth of the river.

    Feathers 4-7

    From the previous place we go up to the east, to the lake with water dragons. On the edges of this reservoir you can collect 4 feathers (see the two upper screenshots).

    Feathers 8.9

    Find the round "baths" on the western half of the previous body of water, and from them go down to the shore of the main part of the waters of Ameyalco: near the shore, next to the monument Burning seed, a couple more feathers are growing.

    Feathers 10,11

    From the previous gathering place, cross to the opposite bank and head west until you find yourself in front of another closed lake with water dragons and a pair of enemies guarding an amazing chest: above we showed where two specimens of the sea wonder grow in this area.

    Feathers 12,13

    We again find a series of rounded “baths” in the area of ​​the reservoir with the previous finds and move along them to the shore to the east: on the left (northern) side of the very last bath, you can find a couple more colorful feathers.

    Feathers 14-16

    From the same fonts from the previous cleared place, move along the shore to the south: along the way you will encounter three more feathers growing in the area of ​​an almond-shaped depression with water and water lilies.

    Feathers 17-19

    Continue your journey and swim to the eastern shore of the waters, to a small wooden pier: under the most elongated part of the platform, to which the bell is attached, you can collect the following three curiosities.

    Feathers 20,21

    At the previous gathering place, turn the camera to the south: a group of capybaras is resting at the far end of the shore, and a couple more sea plants are hiding in the water near them.

    Feathers 22-28

    Continue your search in a separate pool in the southeast of the Waters of Ameyalco: this spring is home to several water dragons, and there are six feathers to farm around the edges. The final, seventh feather in this area grows near the source that merges with the main waters (in the western half of the lake).

    Feathers 29-32

    Continue the route to the islet in the southwestern part of the Waters of Ameyalco: on this small piece of land, around which a wooden fence has been installed, there are 4 more curiosities.

    Feathers 33-35

    Move to the Archon statue and go west from it to the split bank: on opposite sides of the area, as shown in the top two screenshots, you will find the next three feathers.

    Feathers 36-39

    Use the teleporter in front of the Spring People settlement, and then go up to the southeast, to the elongated water gorge: in this area is located pyro tomb of the deep, and on the shore near it, 4 more colored feathers grow.

    Feathers 40-43

    From the lagoon where you found the previous oddities, run west to the coast in front of the settlement of the Springs tribe. On the section of the beach near which there is an island with a tree and a hanging lifebuoy, you will be able to collect four more plants.

    Feathers 44-46

    Move south along the edge of the bank where you collected the previous trophies until you come across a parking lot with awnings and branchy trees growing around it: at the edge of this bank you can collect three more feathers.

    Feathers 47,48

    These feathers can be collected from a tiny patch of land in the southern half of the Toyek Creeks area, growing between an island with life preservers and a tall boulder nearby.

    Feathers 49-51

    Next, you need to move to the coast exactly north of the previous farming location: in the water on the beach with a rich chest and a couple of mechanical opponents, three more colored feathers grow.

    Feathers 52-54

    From the previous place we turn left and walk along the shore to the monument with With a flaming seed - There will be three more wonders in the water in front of her.

    Feathers 55,56

    The last two ground feathers are located on a small patch of land to the southeast of the Archon statue: there are several water dragons swimming here, a couple of enemies, and a stone with With a flaming seed, and already near it there are two feathers.

    Feathers 57-61

    You will gain access to these four feathers hidden in the lava dungeon, as well as all the remaining curiosities, as part of the quest "A Tale of Dreams Plucked From Fire". It will start if you go down into the ruins recess south of the Archon statue in this part of the region and talk to the stranger.

    If you have already opened the underground map with lava springs, move to the teleporter and fly to the southeast until you see new kind of fairy , which is hanging over the lake of fire. As usual, you need to fly up to it to make it move.

    A small, colorful fairy will fly up to the graffiti and disappear into it, leaving behind a stone monument - fill it with phlogiston to open a path through the wall in front of you. Inside you will find one Pyroculus, as well as five sea pens.

    Feathers 62,63

    The above-ground area of ​​Toyek Creek is also unlocked through the aforementioned quest, at stage " The Seeker No Finding " Return to the hole in the ruins through which we got into the dungeon and enter liquid phlogiston flow (this will help Mualani, or transformation into a water dragon) - will lift us straight into upper worlds .

    On the first air island of the upper worlds, we activate the teleport and collect a couple of sea curiosities to the left of it.

    Feathers 64-66

    We approach the southern edge of the previous area and fly along the air flow to the east, to the nearest floating island: here you can collect three more feathers, the collection locations of which are shown in the two upper screenshots.

    Feathers 67-69

    Explore the penultimate section of the upper worlds, reaching it through a quest or using a teleport: on its southern half there is a small lake, around which you can collect 3 colored curiosities.

    Feathers 70-72

    To get to the large floating island above the Archon statue, go to the northern edge of the previous overground area and enter liquid phlogiston flow .

    Along the edges of the shore where you will land, there are 4 last sea feathers growing.

    Where to buy Sea Feathers

    Unfortunately, at the moment, you can't buy this local oddity from anyone. However, you can get some during test runs and hero birthdays. Plus, several sea feathers are given out for some tasks in the world of Natlan. Of course, these methods are not as effective as farming, so there is no escape from it.

    Free Ways to Get Sea Feathers

    • Temporary events

    In Mualani banner validity period you can get more at one time 33 feathers : three for her test run, and thirty for her personal quest " Where the springs return ".

    • Communication with NPCs

    Of the NPCs willing to give us several specimens of sea feathers, we can single out Aminu — the chief of the tribe in the Nation of Springs. She looks like a child and stands "on the nose" of the settlement's main building (see map screenshot above). To get a reward, agree to listen to what Amina has to say about herself.
