    All riddles and puzzles in Resident Evil 4: how to solve

    All riddles and puzzles in Resident Evil 4: how to solve


    In Resident Evil 4 Remake, there are puzzles in almost every chapter. Some of them allow you to access valuable items, while others are necessary to progress through the story. In this guide, we will go through all the puzzles present in the game, indicating their location and solution.

    Chapter 2

    Hexagon emblem riddle

    Around the middle of the chapter near the Abandoned Factory, you will find a door with a hexagonal recess. To open it, you need a six-sided emblem, which is located in the Valley. Insert this key into the lock, and then turn it once to the left and turn it over. As a result, the gate will open. A detailed walkthrough of the puzzle is presented in our separate guide.

    Riddle with a combination lock

    After entering the Village Chief's Mansion, you will find a padlock with a combination. To find the right combination, you will need to examine the book lying on the bedside table in the hallway of the upper floor. The correct character sequence is as follows: crop, boar, and baby.

    Crystal ball puzzle

    Having obtained a crystal ball in the headman's house, return to the second floor and look for a door with a recess in the far corner. Place the β€œkey” in it and start rotating it so that a dragonfly pattern appears on the screen. We have detailed the solution of both puzzles in separate guide. Note that as a reward you will receive key with symbol which you will need later.

    Chapter 4

    Riddles with symbols in the chapels

    When exploring the Lake, you will need to get the heads of a heretic and a blasphemer by solving puzzles with symbols in two chapels. You can find signs on the walls of buildings and caves - they are written in yellow paint. If you are too lazy to memorize them, then just look at the ready-made solutions in the pictures below.

    By obtaining the heads and placing them on the altars in the Cave with a Pattern, you will receive the Church Emblem, which is necessary to open the gates in the Church. We talked about this mystery in more detail in separate material.

    Puzzle with hexagon pieces and a pedestal

    In several locations of the Village, you can find three hexagonal parts: A, B and C. After that, they need to be placed on a stone pedestal and rotated correctly to get a solid picture:

    • On a simplified or ordinary level: turn the left side 1 time and the top part 1 time.
    • On Hardcore or Pro: Turn right side 2 times, left side 2 times and top side 1 time.

    As a reward, you will receive a Corrupted Idol, which you can sell to a merchant for a tidy sum of money - 15,000 pesetas. IN separate guide we showed the location of all the details and the pedestal.

    Church mosaic puzzle

    When you get to the church, you will first need to find the blue regulator knob and insert it into the control panel. Then start recreating the mosaic on the round showcase to get the image shown in the second screenshot below. The detailed solution to the puzzle is presented in our other article.

    Chapter 7

    Riddle with swords and paintings on the wall

    When exploring the Treasury in the castle, you will need to find iron, gold, bloodied and rusty swords, and then correctly insert them into the paintings on the walls. The correct order looks like this:

    1. Warrior - iron sword;
    2. The king is a golden sword;
    3. A warrior who smashes the enemy is a bloodied sword;
    4. The sword on the grave is a rusty sword.

    As a result, you will open a new passage, and you can continue to complete the main mission. We have analyzed this riddle in detail in separate guide.

    Animal gong puzzle

    While exploring the castle, sometimes you will come across gongs depicting various animals. You will need to shoot them or interact with them to solve puzzles.

    WITH the first such puzzle you will encounter in the seventh chapter while searching for the bloody sword needed to solve the previous puzzle. On the gate you will find the desired sequence: deer, eagle and snake. To activate the sign of the deer, you must first pull the handle to the left of the gate. Other gongs hang behind bars.

    Second puzzle also found in the seventh chapter. Just like last time, you need to shoot the gongs in the correct order: dragon, snake. To find the snake, you need to use the chandelier and move to the other side. The gong you need is behind the iron bars.

    Third riddle awaits you in the ninth chapter when playing as Ashley. You will encounter her in the Shrine. You will need to pull the ropes to ring the gongs in the correct sequence: bird, snake, dragon and deer.

    At the same time, parasites in knightly armor will constantly hunt for you. You will be able to temporarily stop them by shining a lamp at them, found in the Library. By ringing the gongs correctly, you will open a passage leading to the Salazar Family Crest.

    Chapter 8

    Mystery with lithographic plates

    In the Binding Shop you will need to find three lithographic plates (A, B and C) and then correctly place them in the designated place. The correct order is shown below:

    • Left - red helmet;
    • Upper - red shield;
    • Right - a sword in a square;
    • The lower one is armor in a hexagon.

    The exact location of the plates and a detailed solution to the puzzle is presented in our separate guide. Having solved the riddle, you will open a new passage.

    Scarlet Lantern Puzzle

    As you progress through the eighth chapter, you will find a closed passage and a statue that is obviously missing something. You will need to find the Scarlet Lantern for her. You can pick up this item from the leader of the cultists, located near the Wine cellar and wearing a red robe.

    After dealing with the enemy, take the lamp, and then insert it into the statue to open a new passage that will allow you to go further.

    Chapter 9

    Yard Labyrinth Puzzle

    Once in the Courtyard, you will need to go through the maze, finding three levers and raising all the flags. The location of all levers is shown in our separate guide. Having solved this riddle, you will finally be able to go inside the main building.

    The Headless Statue Mystery

    After entering the Main Hall and up the stairs, you will find a headless chimera statue. To solve the puzzle with her, you will need to find the heads of a lion, a snake and a goat, located in the Armory, Dining Room and Gallery, respectively. IN separate article we have explained in detail how to get these items.

    Dining room chair puzzle

    To get the snake head, you will need to go to the Dining Room and take the correct places at the table with Ashley. To select the right chairs, you should examine the paintings hanging on the walls. In short, the president's daughter should sit next to an incomplete set of cutlery, and Leon next to a bottle of wine. We have examined in detail the solution of this riddle in separate guide.

    Library Clock Puzzle

    After taking control of Ashley, you will need to correctly set the time on the large clocks installed in two different places in the Library. The solution depends on the selected difficulty level:

    • Easy and Normal Difficulty - 11:04
    • Professional difficulty and "hardcore" - 7:00

    We have covered the solution to this puzzle in detail in separate guide. By setting the correct time on both clocks, you will be able to go to the Shrine.

    The lamp puzzle in the Shrine

    At the end of the ninth chapter, you will enter the Shrine as Ashley. There you will need to place the lamps correctly in order to open the grate and get the Salazar Family Crest. The correct combination is shown below:

    • To the right of the lattice is a star;
    • To the left of the grid is a waning moon;
    • Behind the crypt is a full moon.

    We examined this mystery in more detail in separate guide. Having obtained the specified item, you can continue to progress through the main plot of the game.

    Chapter 13

    Puzzle with an electronic lock in the Sectional

    In the northern part of the Sectional Room, you can find a terminal that opens the door, behind which there is a key card of the 1st level of access. If the electronic lock is de-energized, then you will first need to power it up by turning the lever in the southern area of the location.

    As for solving the puzzle with the terminal, it depends on the chosen difficulty level. The pictures below show both options. You can read more about this in our separate guide.

    Π›Π΅Π³ΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΠΈ срСдний
    Light and Medium
    hardcore and professional

    Freezer Terminal Puzzle

    First, redirect the energy to the left side of the building, and then go into the Freezer and solve the new terminal puzzle. Here, too, depending on the chosen level of difficulty, there will be different options for solving the puzzle. As a result, you will receive an LE5 machine gun. For more information about the passage of this segment, we told in separate guide.

    Π›Π΅Π³ΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΠΈ срСдний
    Light and Medium
    hardcore and professional

    Overwriting terminal puzzle

    In the incubation lab, you will need to interact with the overwriting terminal to obtain a Level 3 Access Key Card. To do this, you will first need to get an adjustable wrench, having received a biosensor sight and having dealt with a special monster. IN separate guide we have explained in detail how to do it.

    Chapter 14

    Terminal puzzle in Waste Recycling

    In the indicated location, you will first need to redirect the energy to the left side of the building, and then interact with the terminal in the northern room. The solution to the puzzle will depend on the selected difficulty level. We have covered this in detail in separate guide.

    Π›Π΅Π³ΠΊΠΈΠΉ ΠΈ срСдний
    Light and Medium
    hardcore and professional

    These are all the puzzles and mysteries that you can face in Resident Evil 4 Remake. We hope that the information provided will help you quickly solve them to advance the story or get treasures.
