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    Wriothesley in Genshin Impact: guide to the best builds

    Zorthrus Guides 0



    In Genshin Impact Wriothesley is 5 star character, which belongs to the Cryo element and uses a catalyst in battle. In a team, he can perfectly serve as the main damage dealer. In this guide you will learn about his best builds, weapons and artifacts, as well as the most suitable units for him.

    Note: Fortress Warden Meropides has not yet been officially released, so the data presented here is based on information received as part of the beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the Achievement: Hero appears in the game.

    Main features of Wriothesley

    How to get Risley

    In the second phase of update 4.2 (October 18), this catalyst will appear in banner, which will increase the likelihood of it falling out. In the future, it will be possible to obtain this hero only with the help of Prayers. Unfortunately, HoYoverse has never held an event where the reward would be a 5-star fighter, so you definitely won’t be able to get Risley for free.

    Risley's stat progression

    The table below shows how a character's base stats change as they level up.

    Level Base HP Basic attack Basic protection Bonus to crit. damage Crit chance hits Crete. damage
    1 1058 24 59 0 5% 50%
    20 2745 63 154 0 5% 50%
    40 5465 125 306 9.6% 5% 50%
    60 8818 202 495 19.2% 5% 50%
    80 11993 274 673 28.8% 5% 50%
    90 13593 311 763 38.4% 5% 50%

    Advantages and disadvantages of Risley

    Using his unique abilities, this character can inflict significant ice damage to both single targets and large groups of enemies. Its advantages also include:

    • It has a relatively high base attack, which makes it easy to use as a main damage dealer.
    • When elevated, his critical damage bonus increases, which is an important characteristic for a main DD, and therefore simplifies the construction of his build.
    • It has relatively easy-to-understand skills, so it will be easy for beginners to understand how they work.
    • Thanks to the catalyst, each of his attacks deals damage to Cryo, so he can combine with almost any element. You can also collect a mono Cryo pack.
    • He is able to heal himself on his own, so it is not necessary to have a healer in your team.
    • It can perform its main role well even without Constellations, which is important for F2P players.
    • When an elemental skill is active, it significantly increases resistance to interruption, so it is less likely to be knocked down.
    • Relatively cheap Elemental Burst (60 units).
    • Possesses energy of Usia, which is useful in exploring Fontaine - helping in solving puzzles and fighting local enemies.

    However, there are some downsides, some of which come directly from its advantages, namely:

    • Despite the apparent simplicity of Risley’s abilities, in order to get the maximum potential out of him you will have to carefully monitor the situation on the battlefield. Firstly, you need to evade strong enemy attacks in time so that the character is not knocked down. Secondly, you should constantly monitor your health bar, choosing the right moments to use enhanced charged attacks. Thirdly, it is necessary to use healing in doses so as not to disrupt the rotation when closing the Melting reaction (this point is discussed in more detail below). This gameplay can be partially simplified by opening C1.
    • Not very friendly to F2P players, as his best companions are the 5-star Kaedehara Kazuha and Shenhe, and without his signature weapon "Treasury Oversight" he deals noticeably less damage.
    • His resistance to interrupting attacks does not always work, so it is still recommended to take a good shieldman or stability buffer into your team.

    Risley's abilities

    When performing a normal attack "Fierce Fists of Cold" the character performs up to five quick punches, and when charged, he punches upward in a jump, causing Cryo damage in the area and spending a little stamina. If attacked while falling, it accumulates ice energy and lands on the ground, attacking all enemies in its path and then dealing elemental damage over an area.

    Explanation: Using normal attacks while under the influence of an elemental skill is the main source of damage for the character. All thanks to their high speed, which is recommended to be increased even more with the help of appropriate buffs. As a result, during the operation of the E-shki, it will be quite possible to complete 4-5 combo chains. As for charged attacks, they should definitely be performed if you are playing through Melt in order to be guaranteed to cover the reaction. You can also add them into your combos if Risley is below 60% HP (or C1 open).

    Let’s add that with regular blows, Chief Meropid can hit several opponents at once if they are standing next to each other, so Anemo characters who are able to pull mobs to one point will be very useful to him. True, he then immediately scatters light enemies in different directions again, and with a charged blow even throws them into the air.

    After using an elemental skill "Swift Ice Fang" The Achievement: Hero dashes forward and enters Chilling Punishment mode, in which he becomes more resistant to interruptions and normal hits begin to deal more damage if the character's health is above 50%. However, each hit takes away life points from him.

    Explanation: Significantly enhances simple hits - at level 7 the bonus is almost 67%, which exceeds the damage from closing Melt (50%). The interrupt resistance is unfortunately only 50%, so the character can still be knocked down (you should consider a shield or buffer). Health is lost at the rate of 4.5% of maximum HP, so if each blow hits the target, then after 10 attacks the Achievement: Hero will lose almost half of his health, even before completing the E-shka. For this reason, it makes sense to keep a healer on your team, or you will have to carefully monitor the timings and use charged attacks at the right time.

    Elemental Burst "Bite of the Black-Golden Wolf" makes it possible to release a wave of ice in front of you, causing multiple Cryo damage in an area to enemies. The mobs' position is then struck by the Blade of Turbulent Waters, which hits them with an ousia.

    Explanation: A standard ultimate that can be used to guarantee that the Melt reaction is closed. Deals less damage than regular attacks under the E-shka, so it is not necessary to perform it every rotation. So you can almost ignore Risley's Obtaining Energy .

    It is also impossible not to point out the very useful passive talents of the prison warden:

    • Duke's Grace - when crafting materials for upgrading weapons, gives a 10% chance to create an additional resource.
    • May Yanfei: Impartial prevail - if Risley's health drops to 60% or below, his next charged strike does not cost stamina, and the damage it deals increases by 50%. When hitting an enemy, it restores 30% of its maximum HP. The effect occurs no more than once every 5 seconds.
    • Let the time of reckoning for sins come - when the character’s health decreases or increases, he receives 1 stack of Decree of Indictment when under the influence of an elemental skill. Each stack increases the hero's ATK by 6%. The effect can stack up to five times.

    Constellations Risley

    To open them, you need to accumulate the character’s Luck, which is issued when duplicates of the hero appear, which, of course, is random. Given the low chance of getting 5-star heroes, you will need to spend a lot of time and money to unlock all constellations. However, even without them, Risley can play the role of the main damage dealer without any problems.

    If you still decide to try your luck, then we recommend that you open at least C1 and C2: the first will allow you to get rid of the restriction on the use of enhanced charged attacks (you can safely use the healer’s abilities without fear of ruining the Frost Fist in a jump), and the second will significantly increase Ultimate damage. Full list of constellations:

    1. Keep the villains at bay - the enhanced Jumping Frost Fist can now be performed not only when the hero's health drops below 60%, but also after hitting the enemy with the 5th normal blow under the influence of E-shka, and it can be performed once every 2.5 seconds. The damage of this attack increases to 200%, and the effect of Chilling Punishment is increased by 4 seconds when successfully hitting an enemy.
    2. Shackle the arrogant - each stack of the passive “Let the hour of reckoning for sins come” increases the damage from the ult by 40% (maximum it can increase by 200%).
    3. Punish the greedy and dishonest - the level of normal attacks increases by three. Maximum level: 15th. A useful constellation that increases the character's main source of damage.
    4. Bring salvation to the suffering - an enhanced “Charged Attack” restores 50% of the character's maximum health. In case of excess regeneration, his attack speed is increased by 20% for 4 seconds while he is on the battlefield. If another character is active, the attack speed of all squad members increases by 10% for 6 seconds. Bonuses do not stack.
    5. Pardoning those unjustly accused - the level of the elemental explosion increases by three. Maximum level: 15th.
    6. Cherish the Innocent - Increases the Critical Damage of your Empowered Charged Strike by 80% and their chance to critically attack by 10%. Plus, an icicle appears that deals an additional 100% Cryo damage to enemies.

    How to play as Risley

    As we noted above, the gameplay of the prison warden is based on the use of regular attacks, and much of his rotation depends on whether the first Constellation is open, whether he plays through Melt and whether there is a Traveling Doctor in the squad. Without C1, you will only be able to perform an empowered charged attack when the hero's health drops below 60%.

    Even without taking into account the damage caused by enemies, this will happen already on the 9th hit on the enemy with simple blows (under the influence of the E-shka). You should immediately use a charged attack to restore 30% of your health. In this case, the next enhanced blow can be made after 7 regular attacks. Of course, few people will count hits during a fight in order to perform perfect combos - for most, a strengthened Frost Fist in a jump will turn into a kind of rescue button, which will prevent the hero’s health from decreasing to 50%.

    If you have a healer on your team, you can completely forget about charged attacks (at C0). Problems can only arise in packs on Melt, where an enhanced “Charged Attack” can be guaranteed to close the reaction. In such units, you will have to carefully apply treatment and carefully monitor the hero’s health.

    All these problems are eliminated by opening the 1st Constellation, so if you plan to combine Risley with Pyro characters, then we advise you to open C1, and not knock out his signature weapon.

    As for Risley's elemental burst, it does not greatly increase the character's overall damage, so it is not necessary to use it every rotation. The situation changes greatly after the opening of C2, as the ult becomes a more formidable weapon. However, before using it, make sure you have 3-5 levels of Decree of Charge.

    Given the above information, the rotation for Nevillet may look completely different and depend on the characters you have and the constellations you have unlocked. However, you can highlight one basic scenario, which you can then adapt to your packs. It looks like this:

    1. Use the abilities of sub-dams and supports, acting from the pocket, to apply buffs to main-dealers, and different elemental statuses to enemies.
    2. Switch to Risley and activate his elemental skill. Perform 9-10 simple hits and finish the combo with an enhanced charged attack. Repeat two chains of normal attacks, and then use Frost Fist while jumping again.
    3. Heal if necessary and use an Elemental Burst if it's ready. Go back to the first point.

    Best builds for Risley

    Best weapon

    When choosing a catalyst, priority should be given to those that increase attack power, critical damage and the chance of inflicting critical hits, as well as strengthen normal and charged attacks, since you will mainly have to play from them. The table below presents the most interesting options.

    Name and rarity Characteristics (level 1-90) Passive ability

    Treasury Supervision (5 stars)

    Base Attack: 48~674

    Crit chance hits: 4.8~22%

    Increases attack power by 16-32%. When the hero's current health increases or decreases, the damage from normal attacks increases by 16-32%, and from charged attacks - by 14-28%. The bonus can be stacked up to three times and appear no more than once every 0.3 seconds. In case of receiving 3 stacks, the attack speed increases by 8-16%. A signature weapon for Risley that greatly enhances all of his best features, greatly increasing his overall damage (outpacing other catalysts by about 10%). For example, even without Awakening, it will make it possible to perform 3 more hits during the duration of one skill.

    Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds (5 stars)

    Critical hit chance: 7.2%~33.1%

    Base Attack: 46~608

    Increases the character's movement speed by 10% and increases his elemental damage by 8%~16% every four seconds. The effect can be stacked up to four times, but disappears if the hero leaves the battlefield. A less effective catalyst than the previous one, however, it can be an excellent alternative to it. With increased movement speed, Risley will be able to reach knocked-back enemies faster, and his high base attack, crit chance, and bonus to elemental damage will greatly increase his overall damage. The relatively low attack power can be compensated by the presence of Xiangling and Bennett in the squad.

    Tulaytullah’s Remembrance (5 stars)

    Crete. damage: 9.6~43.9%

    Base attack: 48-674

    Increases the speed of normal attacks by 10~20%. When using an elemental skill, damage from normal attacks will increase by 4.8~9.6% per second for 14 seconds. Additionally, successful hits will instantly increase damage from simple hits by 9.6~19.2%. Moreover, within the scope of the bonus, damage can increase by a maximum of 48~96%. If the hero leaves the battlefield, the effect will disappear. It is almost on par with the previous catalyst in terms of damage in packs for Melting. If Risley plays through Freeze or Cryo damage, then this catalyst begins to surpass Prayer to the Holy Winds. Speeds up normal attacks and increases their damage, which is extremely useful for Risley.

    Rite of Eternal Flow (5 stars)

    Base Attack: 44~542

    Crete. damage: 19.2~88.2%

    Increases health by 16-32%. When the hero's current health increases or decreases, the damage from charged strikes increases by 14-30% for 4 seconds. The bonus can be stacked up to three times and appear no more than once every 0.3 seconds. In case of receiving 3 stacks or updating the duration of the 3rd stack, 8-12 units of energy are restored. The last effect can occur once every 12 seconds. Increases Risley's required crit. damage and supplies him with energy, allowing him to use his ult more often. Unfortunately, it only enhances the character's charged attacks, which some players will not use very often. If there are no other alternatives, then this weapon can be used.

    The Widsith (4 stars)

    Crete. damage: 12%~55.1%

    Base Attack: 42~510

    After switching to the character, a random Barbara: Flow begins to play, which can increase attack power (by 60 percent), elemental damage (by 48 percent) or elemental mastery (by 240 points). The effect lasts 10 seconds and can appear once every half a minute. In packs for Melting, the hero will benefit from all three bonuses from the song, but in other units, increasing Elemental Mastery will turn out to be a useless bonus.

    Flowing Purity (4 stars)

    Base Attack: 44~565

    Attack Power: 6~27.6%

    Squeezing the E-Shki increases all elemental damage by 8-16% for the next 15 seconds, applying a special Oath of Life effect equal to 24% of maximum HP and occurring once every 10 seconds. When it disappears, the Oath of Life status buffs elemental damage for another 15 seconds by 2-4% for every thousand units of HP removed. This elemental attack boost cannot be greater than 12-24%. Oath of Life: For the duration, absorbs all healing received by the hero until the end of the effect. A good free option that increases Risley’s needed ATK and increases his elemental damage.

    Song of Vast Azure (4 stars)

    Base Attack: 44~565

    Obtaining Energy: 6.7~30.6%

    Increases damage from a normal strike by 8-16%, and a charged one by 6-12% for 6 seconds after hitting an enemy with a normal or charged attack. The bonus triggers once every 0.3 seconds and can be stacked up to three times. Another good free option that enhances the normal and charged attacks that Risley constantly uses. Plus, it will allow him to use his ultimate more often thanks to the increase in VE.

    Dodoco Tales (4 stars)

    Attack Power: 12~55.1%

    Base attack: 41-454

    When hit with a normal hit, increases the damage of a charged attack by 16-32% for 6 seconds, and hits with charged attacks increases ATK by 8-16% for 6 seconds. A good free option that can also enhance normal and charged attacks, albeit with an additional condition. Substat will be useful to Risley. But this catalyst could only be obtained as part of the patch 1.6 event.

    Solar Pearl (4 stars)

    Critical hit chance: 6%~27.6%

    Base Attack: 42~510

    When hit by a normal blow, damage from an elemental skill and explosion is increased by 20 percent for 6 seconds. This also works in the opposite direction. Significantly increases crits and can enhance regular attacks, but for this you will have to use your ult more often. You can give it to Risley if it’s just lying idle in your inventory, that is, it’s definitely not worth purposefully buying it for this character.

    Blackcliff Agate (4 stars)

    Crete. damage: 12%~55.1%

    Base Attack: 42~510

    When destroying enemies, attack power increases by 12%~24%. The effect stacks up to three times and lasts for half a minute. The duration of additional bonuses does not depend on each other. You can get it almost free of charge in the Paimon store. Gives an important Risley crit. damage, however, has a passive that only works when fighting several enemies.

    Best Artifacts

    If you plan to play through Freeze, then the best option for Risley would be a full set "Lost in a Blizzard", 2 parts of which increase Cryo damage by 15%, and 4 parts increase the likelihood of a critical hit by 20% when hitting an enemy with Cryo status. If Elemental Reaction: Frozen is applied to the enemy, then the chance of a crit increases by another 20%. Obtained from the dungeon "Peak of Vindagnyr".

    In other cases, the optimal choice for the prison warden will be a complete set "Hunter of the Twilight Court", 2 parts of which increase damage from normal and charged attacks by 15%, and 4 parts increase the chance of a critical hit by 12% for five seconds when the character’s current health increases or decreases. The bonus can be stacked up to three times. The set's passive will always trigger when normal and charged attacks are actively used. You can get it in the dungeon "The Denouement of Sin".

    In the absence of complete sets, you can temporarily combine incomplete sets with each other: Marechaussee Hunter (strengthens normal attacks) + Blizzard Strayer (increases Cryo damage) + Gladiator’s Finale(increases attack power). Choose based on their main characteristics.

    A complete set might also be a good option. "Echoes of Offering", 2 parts of which increase attack power by 18 percent, and 4 parts have a 36 percent chance of activating the Valley Ritual when hitting an enemy with a normal blow. This status increases damage from simple hits by 70 percent of attack power. The effect disappears 0.05 seconds after the increased damage is dealt. The chance of activation increases by 20 percent if the bonus does not appear on the first hit. You can get it in the dungeon "The Lost Valley".

    As for the choice of the main characteristics of artifacts, the hourglass should be taken for attack power% (or elemental mastery, if you play through Melt), the cup (chalice) - for the Cryo damage bonus, and the crown (hat) - for critical damage / critical hit chance (2 to 1). Among additional parameters, priority should be given to crits, ATK%, energy recovery and elemental mastery.

    Best teams for Risley

    We already noted above that Risley can be combined with heroes of almost any element to create reactions such as Melt, Elemental Reaction: Frozen (Broken), Elemental Reaction: Superconduct and Elemental Reaction: Crystallize. However, the greatest damage can be achieved with Pyro characters. True, in this case you will have to pay more attention to rotation and timings in order to close the reaction on time.

    Risley is capable of self-healing, but he may still need a healer if you plan to rarely use charged attacks. The healer can be completely abandoned when the 4th constellation is opened. At the same time, we strongly advise you to take a shield guard, since your own resistance to interruption by the prison warden may not be enough.

    Anemo characters who are able to group enemies in one place will also be useful - this will help Risley deal damage with his fists to several enemies at the same time. The best choice would be Kaedehara Kazuha, who not only has excellent crowd control, but also gives a damage buff and can reduce enemy elemental resistance. Below you can see all the optimal units with Risley.

    Maine-DD Sub-DD Sub-DD/Support Support



    Kamisato Ayato (Kaedehara Kazuha)

    Sangonomiya Kokomi


    Mona (Xingqiu)

    Kaedehara Kazuha (Venti)

    Diona (Layla)


    Shenhe (Rosaria)

    Kaedehara Kazuha

    Sangonomiya Kokomi



    Kaedehara Kazuha (Lynette)




    Shenhe (Zhongli)



    Raiden Shogun (Fischl, Yae Miko)




    Yun Jin

    Kaedehara Kazuha




    Yun Jin




    Kaedehara Kazuha

    Diona (Layla)

    Leveling up Risley

    How to improve your skills

    You have to search and collect a wide variety of materials, namely:

    • Teachings, guidelines and philosophies about "Order" - obtained on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in the dungeon "Pale Forgotten Glory".
    • Meshing Gear, Mechanism Gear, and Sophisticated Dynamic Gear - drop from Mecs, purchased with Starglitter , or crafted using Alchemy.
    • Primordial Greenbloom - Dropped by weekly boss Guardian of Apep’s Oasis.
    • Crown of Insight – can be obtained during events, as well as by upgrading the Sacred Sakura, the Permafrost Tree, the Tree of Dreams and the Lucin Fountain.

    If we talk about the priority of leveling up talents, then first of all, increase the level of ordinary attacks. Then upgrade your elemental skill and only at the end increase the Elemental Burst.

    How to level up a character

    Get ready to search for a huge variety of resources. Below are their names and methods of obtaining.

    • First Ascension (Level 20; 20,000 Mora) – 1 Shivada Jade Sliver, 3 Detection Subblocks, 3 Interlocking Gears
    • Second Exaltation (Level 40; 40,000 Mora) – 3 Shiwada Jade Fragments, 2 Tourbillons, 10 Detection Subblocks, 15 Interlocking Gears
    • Third exaltation (level 50; 60,000 mora) – 6 Shiwada jade fragments, 4 tourbillons, 20 detection subblocks, 12 mechanism gears
    • Fourth exaltation (level 60; 80,000 mora) – 3 pieces of Shivada jade, 8 tourbillons, 30 detection subblocks, 18 mechanism gears
    • Fifth Exaltation (level 70; 100,000 mora) – 6 pieces of Shivada jade, 12 tourbillons, 45 romarine, 12 sophisticated dynamic gears
    • Sixth exaltation (level 80; 120,000 mora) – 6 precious Shivad jades, 20 tourbillons, 60 detection subblocks, 24 sophisticated dynamic gears

    You can get Shivad jades from Cryo fern , Lupus Borealis , Ancient Geovishap , Hypostasis Cryo , Maguu Kenki , Seniors And Infinite mechanical array . They are also sold in souvenir shop . Tourbillons drop from the Experimental Field Generator. Detection subblocks are a local curiosity of Fontaine. In separate guide we have indicated their location.